Chapter 16: Listen to your conscious

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Leon: So how is he?

Vilu: I don't know... I just feel like I wanna help him somehow.

Leon: What are you suggesting?

Vilu: I wanna go visit him and see how he is. Just as FRIENDS. You're okay with that right...?

Leon: Well, as long as he doesn't do anything to you, I'm find.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you. You're the only one who really understands me. (Hugged him)

??: (Coughed)

Vilu: (Pulled away) Oh, Ludmila hi.

Ludmi: What's going on?

Vilu: What makes you think there's something going on?

Ludmi: Well, your hugging Leon. That indicates something.

Vilu: Indicates what?

Ludmi: I don't know. But I know it indicates something.

Leon: Uhm, yeah it indicates that she loves me, what's your point?

Ludmi: But I heard Violetta saying that she is gonna visit someone. Who is it?

Vilu: What? Uhem... It's just a friend.

Ludmi: Oh really?

Vilu: Really.

Ludmi: Alright then we'll I'm going to bed. Goodnight. (Yawned and went)

Leon: Why did you...?

Vilu: Look Leon, Ludmila can't know about Tomas.

Leon: Why not?!

Vilu: Because she'll go crazy.

Leon: But don't you think as his friend, she should know?

Vilu: Well... you know...

Leon: (Shook his head) No I don't...

Vilu: Well... Tomas is already in pain and you know... I don't think she's gonna help him feel better. We all know she can be a blabber mouth sometimes right?

Leon: Meh, I guess you're right. But just remember Violetta...

Vilu: I PROMISE nothing is going on between us. Well not you and me but Tomas and me of course.

Leon: Alright, I trust you. Now we should really be heading to sleep. Come on. (Went)

Vilu: (Sighed to herself and went)

The next day 10:50am

~Dining Table~

Ludmi: (On the phone) Natalia, I told you a million times that I don't have time to listen about your petty stories.

Angie: Vilu, have you seen your dad?

Vilu: No... But shouldn't you know where he is?

Angie: No I don't. I woke up and he wasn't by my side. He was gone.

Vilu: Maybe he is in his office working?

Angie: Well I wouldn't know because his office doors are locked.

Vilu: (Nodded her head) Yup, he is in there.

Leon: Why would he lock the doors and stay in?

Vilu: He's probably still freaked out about the whole pregnancy thing.

Leon: Yours or Angie's?!

Angie: Mine of course! You saw how happy he was when he found out Vilu was pregnant.

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