Chapter 9: You better watch out

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~At Diego's house~

Fran: (Holding Grace) Diego, pass me the napkins.

Diego: (Gave it to her)

Fran: So Diego, how's Aiden?

Diego: (Hesitant) What...?!

Fran: How is Aiden? You know, is he in his room?!

Diego: Oh, yeah yeah. He is. He is in his room. In there.

Fran: Are you sure?

Diego: Yeah, of course I am. What?! You don't trust me?!

Fran: No, I don't.

Diego: Well he is in there. Trust me.

Leon: (Came in) Diego, I got your call. What's the problem?

Fran: Leon?! What are you doing-


Grace: (Looked at Fran confusingly)

Fran: (Confused) Don't look at me darling. I don't understand either.


Leon: (Confused) What's going on Diego?! Is everything okay?!

Diego: (Sighed) No....

Leon: What's going on?

Diego: I'm going to tell you something you must promise you'll never tell anyone.

Leon: Okay... What is it?

Diego: (Took a deep breath) I lost Aiden....

Leon: WHAT-

Diego: (Closed his mouth)

Fran: Is everything all right there Diego?!

Diego: (Faked laugh) Everything is fine my love, don't worry. (Opened his mouth)

Leon: You... lost AIDEN?!

Diego: (Sighed) It's a long story.

Leon: HOW?!

Diego: Francesca left me in charge of Aiden while she babysat Grace. She told me to let him play his games quietly in his room but I got too over controlling and banned him from doing so because he was too loud and aggressive. The next thing you know, he wasn't in there and he left.

Leon: Wonderful Diego, how wonderful. So does Fran know about this?

Diego: No...

Leon: Well you need to tell her.

Diego: I CAN'T! Do you know how mad she will be at me if she knew I let an 8-year-old boy escape out of his room in the evening?!

Leon: Yeah, I know.

Diego: Well, what are we gonna do?!

Leon: We're going to find for him wherever he is.

Diego: I can't go with you.

Leon: Why not?!

Diego: Because I have to do whatever it takes to keep Fran out of Aiden's room.

Leon: So I'm going to have to find him myself?!

Diego: Please Leon... you have to help me. I'll do anything.

Leon: (Sighed) Fine I'll do it. But you owe me.

Diego: Of course... thank you Leon.

Fran: (Came) Hey, what's going on?

Leon: Uhm WE...

Diego: We were merely discussing about our uhm... our what Leon?! (Nudged him)

Leon: Our UHM...


Leon: (Stared at him)

Fran: Single?

Diego: Yeah, haven't you heard?! Me and Leon are collaborating on a song.

Fran: Oh, really? What's it called?

Diego: (Faked laugh) Uh...

Leon: Sorry Fran... we can't say it yet. No spoilers allowed no matter what.

Diego: (Faked laughed) AHAH, yeah that's right.

Leon: (Stared at him)

Fran: Well whatever it is, I can't wait. Now will you excuse me, I need to go and feed Grace. Diego, help me get the baby powder please. Thanks.

Diego: On my way... (Smiled)

Fran: Oh, and Leon since your here, would you like to help out too?

Leon: Oh uhm thanks but I was just leaving. (Smiled)

Fran: Oh, well okay then. (Went)

Leon: DIEGO-

Diego: Leon, please do this for me.

Leon: Yeah, I'm going to.

Diego: How long do you think you are going to take?!

Leon: How long do you think you will be able to stall her?

Diego: I am not even sure.

Leon: Well, just give me until 7.

Diego: What if you can't find him?!

Leon: Then we'll have no choice but to tell Fran.

Diego: Oh my god, NO! You have to find him.

Leon: I'll try my best. No promises.

~With Violetta~

Vilu: (Relaxing on her chair)

Olga: (Came) Vilu darling... how are you doing?!

Vilu: (Smiled) I'm fine Olga. Thanks for asking.

Olga: I heard that you wanted Milk tea...

Vilu: Yeah, did you make it?!

Olga: Uhm... sure let's go with that.

Vilu: Olga...

Olga: Okay fine! I ran out of milk. I need to go buy some from the market. You can wait can you?

Vilu: (Smiled) Sure Olga.

Olga: Okay then, I'll go there right now and hurry back. I promise. It will be fast.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you Olga.

I'm back people. :) I hope I'm still relevant. Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to one of my best internet friends hotmail1234567890 because it was her birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday M even though I told you that like idk how many times. :P

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