Chapter 49: Love is in the air

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Later in the evening

Vilu: I'm really glad that we were able to sort that little argument aside. And it's all because of Andre. He really is the Doctor of love.

Leon: I'm glad too. I'm so lucky to have a friend like Andre.

Vilu: Leon, please tell me what I said in your dreams. Let's just get it over with can we?

Leon: (Sighed) Well, you appeared in my room suddenly and I was so happy to see you. But when I wanted to hug you, you told me that you were gone and that it was almost too late to get you back because I let you go on your tour.

Vilu: And then...?

Leon: And then you told me that if I didn't do something to get you back as soon as possible, I'll loose you forever....

Vilu: It was that bad huh...?

Leon: (Remained silent)

Vilu: In sorry for asking but at least now I know. But I was right weren't I? Something was happening to me. I guess I came to warn you at the right time. Thank you for helping me. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled neutrally)

Vilu: Well, I guess I'll go wash up now. So who's making dinner today?

Leon: How about we do it together? We always do things best when we're together.

Vilu: (Smiled) That's true.

Leon: (Went to the toilet) You said you wanted to shower?

Vilu: Yeah, why?

Leon: (Gently pulled her hand in, kissed her and closed the door)

~With German~

German: (Walking back and fourth)

Olga: (Sitting on the couch) Sir, what are you doing? You've been moping around the house for hours.

German: I'm just waiting for Angie to come back.

Olga: What for?

German: So we can go visit Violetta. It's been so long. I need to see my daughter Olga.

Olga: But she's with Leon. Are you sure you wanna destroy that moment? I mean after all, they just reunited after so many months.

German: That doesn't mean I can't go see how she is. I'm still her father.

Olga: How would you feel if you and Angie never got to see each other for 6 months?

German: Oh no Olga... I can't.

Olga: (Nodded her head) Exactamente'

German: I just want to see my daughter.

Olga: Call her.

German: I want to see her face to face.

Olga: Video call her.

German: No, I'm going to see her and that's final. She gave me her address and I'll go visit her with Angie later.

Olga: I think you should call her first. Tell her you're coming.

German: Good idea. (Began dialing Violetta's number)

Olga: What's wrong sir?

German: She's not answering.

Olga: Call her again.

German: (Dialled her number again and still no answer)

Olga: She must be busy.

Angie: (Came in) Hey guys.

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