Chapter 58: Leon's not the father?

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The next day

Vilu: (Came down with Leon)

Andre: (Smiled) Oh, you both are just in time. Breakfast is served.

Vilu: Really, again?

Andre: Yeah and I even took all the clean clothes from the laundry and folded them neatly for you.

Leon: You know Andre if we wanted someone to help us with making the food and doing our house chores, we could've just hired a butler.

Andre: I know but I don't want to stay here and do nothing. I wanna make myself more useful.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you Andre, all this wasn't necessary.

Andre: No, no, I don't wanna hear that. A simple thank you will do.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you.

~Doorbell rings~

Vilu: (Walked over and opened it)

Fran and Cami: (Smiled) HI Vilu!

Vilu: (Smiled and hugged them) Fran, Cami. What a nice surprise. What are you doing here?

Fran: We wanted to surprise you.

Cami: Woah wait, this is her house?

Fran: Wait till you go inside. (Went in)

Cami: What the..... Oh my god.

Fran: I know right. It's so gorgeous.

Andre: Oh, man. You didn't tell me they were coming. I would've made extra breakfast.

Fran: Andre?!

Cami: What are you doing here?

Leon: Andre got kicked out of his apartment because he couldn't pay his rent so we let him live here for awhile.

Cami: Aw, that's sad.

Fran: What are you all having for breakfast?

Andre: Lemon-flavoured pancake and sugary Churros with Coffee.

Fran: Wow, looks great. You did a wonderful job Leon. Vilu is so lucky.

Leon: Yeah... I didn't do this. Andre did.

Fran: Andre?!

Cami: You cook?!

Andre: Yes I do. If I'd known you both were coming I would've made extra.

Fran: If we'd known you'd be here making this, we would've come at 6.

Andre: Luckily, there is toasted bread. You both can eat that with butter.

Cami: Thanks.....?


Fran: So how are you Vilu?

Vilu: I'm good. (Smiled)

Cami: Can I just say how beautiful this house is and how lucky you are to be living here with Leon?

Andre: Yeah, it is pretty hard to believe am I right? I feel like I don't deserve to be here sometimes.

Fran: (Mumbled) Well you're not wrong.

Cami: I was talking to Vilu. (Smiled)

Andre: Oh, yeah I'm pretty sure she feels the same as I do. Right Vilu?

Vilu: Yeah, this place is awesome.

Fran: We haven't talk alot in awhile. Maybe we three can go out sometime.

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