Chapter 57: Andre the "helper"

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Leon: You were pregnant the whole time and you didn't tell me?

Vilu: W-well.... I was gonna but...

Leon: How long?

Vilu: A few days ago...

Leon: So you told Andre but you couldn't tell me?

Andre: No, no, no I saw her pregnancy test. I kind of forced her into showing me the results.

Leon: So then why didn't anyone tell me? Is this supposed to be a huge secret I shouldn't know about? You know I already kind of knew.

Vilu: If you kind of knew it then why are you so upset that I didn't tell you?

Leon: Because I wanted to hear the news from your own mouth.

Vilu: Well I'm sorry you got hear the news this way. Now let's just all continue to eat shall we?

~Moment of silence~

Andre: Uhm.... Why aren't we all conversing?

Leon: Because I don't feel like talking to someone who helps others into hiding secrets from me.

Andre: Hey, it's not my fault okay. She told me not to tell you. It was only fair I respected her decision. I could not have betrayed her like that.

Vilu: Thank you Andre.

Andre: On that note... Uhm... maybe we should all just forget this ever happened and be happy?

Leon: How can I forget this ever happened when she clearly wanted to hide something like this from me for who knows how long!?

Vilu: I was going to tell you...

Leon: When?! Tomorrow?! Next year?! Why don't just tell me on the day you're due and make this all more worse than it already is?!

Vilu: I don't understand why you're so bummed. You didn't even wanted us to have a child together anyway.

Leon: And who told you that?!

Vilu: Andre.

Leon: (Stared at him)

Andre: Uh.......

Leon: What else did you go around telling people huh?

Andre: Nothing. I swear. I only told Violetta because she needed to know.

Leon: OH, so let me get this straight! You decided to keep this secret from me because it was "only fair you respected her" and now you told her what I told you privately not to tell anyone because "she needed to know?"

Andre: No-

Leon: So it's everything about Violetta huh? Nobody cares about how I feel?

Andre: No it's not that....

Leon: Forget it. (Got up and left)

Andre: Oh god, what have I done? 

Vilu: Leave him. We need time apart from each other anyway. Our relationship seemed too good to be true. There were no fights which is the only thing we do best. Let's just continue to eat.

Andre: But what about Leon-

Vilu: Trust me, Leon isn't going to come down anytime soon. He's pissed. It's best if you just leave him alone.

Andre: (Got up) I'm sorry, I got to go.

Vilu: Wait, where are you going?

Andre: I just... I just need fresh air. I'll be back. (Went out and closed the door)

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