Chapter 33: Have a safe flight

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The next day: 

Ludmi: (Sitting on her bed looking through her clothes) What should I wear tomorrow?

Fede: Tomorrow? But today hasn't even started yet and you're already planning on what to wear tomorrow?

Ludmi: A supernova is always one step ahead of everything and everyone. I must be prepared. None of this looks nice on me.

Fede: (Laughed) 

Ludmi: Why are you laughing Fede?! This is serious. None of this looks nice on me.

Fede: (Chuckled and shook her head) Relax Ludmila, you are a supernova as you said. You look good in anything you wear.

Ludmi: (Shook her head) No I don't. 

Fede: Have you ever thought that maybe... a supernova like you would look good in everything she wears?! I mean, you are called a supernova for a reason right? (Smiled)

Ludmi: Well.... I....

Fede: (Chuckled) What's wrong?

Ludmi: (Smiled) Oh, it's nothing. You always know how to make me shine again everytime I'm down.

Fede: (Smiled) What are you talking about? You don't need my help to shine. You do it all on your own everyday. That is why I love you.

Ludmi: (Smiled) Awww, you're so sweet. I love you too Fede. Come here. (Grabbed his hand)

Fede: (Smiled and came near her) Ludmila Ferro, I promise you that my love for you will forever burn bright no matter what. 

Ludmi: (Smiled and nodded her head) As for me too. 

Vilu: (Came in) Uhm... sorry to interrupt but dad is calling us all downstairs for dinner.

Fede: Oh, yeah, yeah. Tell him we'll be down in a sec. And you, how are you Vilu?

Vilu: Oh, I'm fine....

Ludmi: Are you sure? You don't look fine.

Vilu: (Smiled and shook her head) Its nothing.. (Went)

Fede: I don't think she's alright.

Ludmi: Yeah...She was forced to be away from Leon for this whole week. And what makes it even more worst is that he is going away for 3 months with that woman today. 

Fede: 5 months...

Ludmi: What?

Fede: Leon told me it was 5. They changed it.

Ludmi: I can't believe it. First he abandons her at home and made her miscarriage, and now he is abandoning her again but this time for 5 months with that witch? NO! This is unacceptable! 

Fede: Well, it's not like he wants to. He has a career you know. 

Ludmi: And so his career is more important than Violetta?

Fede: He already spent so many months with Violetta taking care of her and being there for her. He barely touched his work. As they say, all good things must come to an end.

Ludmi: What?

Fede: (Scratched his head) Oh, sorry that was the wrong saying. 

Ludmi: Ugh, Let's go down for breakfast.

Later Downstairs

Everyone: (Eating breakfast silently)

German: Ehm... So Violetta, how long will Leon be gone?

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