Chapter 39: Miracle of a diary

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7 months later

Onika: And then, we do it like that, followed by my idea and then finally yours. Do you understand?

Leon: (ಠ_ಠ)??

Onika: Is it that complicated?

Leon: Uh, yeah.

Onika: Leon, FOCUS. This is important.

Leon: I just don't understand.

Onika: You seem very distracted lately. What's wrong?

Leon: It's nothing...

Onika: You really do miss her don't you?

Leon: Miss who?

Onika: Sophia.

Leon: Huh?

Onika: VIOLETTA of course! Who else do you think I'm talking about?!

Leon: Just don't say her name.

Onika: Leon, she's not gone forever. She'll come back.

Leon: It's been 7 months. She said she would come back in 6 months. Looks like she's going to be 1 month late.

Onika: Violetta is just busy that's all. She's an amazing and talented singer. She's like the Argentine version of Beyonce. Everyone loves her. What do you expect? That's why Tanya wanted to put a few more gigs for her before she ends it.

Leon: Okay, lets not talk about her anymore. We're here to discuss about me, not her.

Onika: Ooh, feisty. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Leon: Onika!

Onika: Okay, this meeting is bringing us no where. It's clear that you're not in the right frame of mind today. Just go home.

Leon: Why-

Onika: I said go home. Go take a nap or do something to take your mind Off of her. We'll meet again on Saturday. You better be fresh enough then okay Leon?

Leon: Yeah, okay....

Onika: Very well then, you are dismissed. You may go now.

Leon: (Sighed and got up)

Ludmi: (Came and smiled) Leeooonn....

Leon: (Looked at her) And what are you doing here?

Ludmi: Just stopping by to see you.

Leon: Oh, wow thanks for nothing

Ludmi: Ouch, you really are grumpy.

Leon: (Sighed) Okay, I'm sorry alright. Forgive me.

Ludmi: (Nodded her head) I totally understand Lion. How about I take you out to lunch to clear your head?

Leon: If you want a date, why don't you just ask Fede? He's your fiance for god sake.

Ludmi: NO! I don't mean a date. I just want to be a good friend and help you out. I know how stress you've been for these past few months not seeing V-

Leon: Don't say it.

Ludmi: Okay, okay. Come on Leon.  It'll be fun. OH, I KNOW! You can help me choose my wedding dress!

Leon: (Narrowed his eyes) Why me?

Ludmi: You're good at picking wedding dresses. Weren't you the one who picked Violetta's wedding dress?

Leon: Uhm, no. She picked it herself.

Ludmi: Eheh but still, you can still help me right? (Smiled)

Leon: I don't really-

Ludmi: It will be like helping your little sister. You wouldn't want to disappoint her wouldn't You?

Leon: (Sighed) I'll meet you at noon.

Ludmi: Hey, why wait? Let's go now! (Pulled his hand)

Leon: (Sighed)

One Evening

Leon was sitting on his bed looking through Violetta's diary reading each word carefully. Each time he reads a sentence, he could imagine Violetta reading it. It's like she never left.

She is standing right there. So close, yet so far. So sweet, yet so brokened. She's right there, he keeps telling himself. She never left, he keeps believing. She will return, he keeps hoping. But everyday, he grows more and more disappointed.

Leon: (Flipped through the first half of the page again and started reading)

"Today was a very special day. I met this wonderful guy near the streets. He was perfect. Everything about him was. I think I might have feelings for him".

Leon: (Raised his eyebrows) Well, I wouldn't say I'm perfect. (Started reading it again)

"I don't know him that well but I think his name is Tomas. I honestly didn't pay attention to his name. He just looked so beautiful in the rain"

Leon: 😑 Ouch, that hurts.

"I'm so lucky that he caught me before I fell. I would have been covered in mud if it wasn't for him. He's like my hero"

Leon: (Rolled his eyeballs) Okay, I think that's enough reading for this page. (Turned to the next page)

"Right now, I met this guy named Leon. He seems very sweet. He saved me from those skater kids. I don't know what would've happened to me if it wasn't for him.

Leon: (Smiled and nodded)

"I think I'm starting to have feelings for him too. He's so kind. He's very sweet and he treats me very nicely. He's such a gentleman"

Leon: (Smiled)

"But I like Tomas and I don't know if it's right for me to feel this way. I'm so confuse"

Leon: 🙄 (Sighed) Of course you are.

"I like both Tomas and Leon. They're so sweet and helpful. I just don't like it when they fight over me. It's stressful and I don't want to hurt anybody"

Leon: Well, you did. Both of us got hurt so congrats. (Flipped to the next page)

"Ludmila is the most annoying and selfish person I have ever met. I can't believe she used Tomas to make me jealous. Why can't she just go away and leave me alone?"

Leon: Because she's insane duh.

"I swear that she is so annoying. She just can't mind her own business. She loves to see me suffer. But what she doesn't know is that I'm already suffering. I don't know what's going to happen in the future and who I'll eventually end up with. I just hope that it's not one of them. I don't want to upset anyone.

Leon: (Kept quiet)

??: (Walked in) Leon.

Leon: (Lit up) Violetta?!

Vilu: Happy to see me?

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