Chapter 40: She needs help

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Leon: (Got up and then smiled) Are you kidding? I missed you so much. (About to hug her)

Vilu: Don't hug me.

Leon: Why not?

Vilu: I don't know how to tell you this Leon but... I'm actually gone.

Leon: You're what?

Vilu: I'm gone Leon. Right now I'm all over the world pursuing my dream. The last thing I have time to do, is think about you.

Leon: What does that mean?

Vilu: Is means that it's too late. You knew that I was supposed to come back here in 6 months but I was 1 month delayed. You never did anything to get me back. Who knows what is happening to me?

Leon: I don't get it...

Vilu: What's there not to understand? I'm not here. At least I'm not now.

Leon: (Confused) What?

Vilu: You let me go on my tour and now my return to Buenos Aires is in your hands. If you don't do something to get me back right now, you're going to loose me forever.

Leon: HUH?!

Lorraine: (Shaking him) Leon, LEON! Are you THERE?!

Leon: (Shockingly got up)

Lorraine: Oh, Leon. You're awake. (Touched his forehead)

Leon: W-what? What happened?

Lorraine: You were talking in your sleep. You must've been having a nightmare. Are you okay? (Touched his hair)

Leon: What time is it?

Lorraine: It's Evening. Is everything alright?

Leon: No, I need to do something. 

Lorraine: About what?

Leon: (Got up and rushed over to take his phone)

Lorraine: What are you doing?

Leon: (Began Dialling Violetta's number)

"Sorry, the number you have dialled is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later"

Leon: (Hesitated)

Lorraine: Leon, what is going on?

Leon: (Quickly took his jacket and rushed out)

Lorraine: Where are you GOING?

Leon: (Went out and started calling onika)

Onika: (On the phone) Yes, what is it Leon? Desperate for another meeting?

Leon: No, I need your help. Call Tanya now. I need to speak with Violetta.

Onika: But why?

Leon: Just do it. This is an emergency.

Onika: Okay, okay.

Leon: Hurry.

Onika: Hold on. (Began calling Tanya)

A few minutes later

Onika: Hello Leon?

Leon: So?

Onika: Yeah well Tanya said that Violetta is not with her. She's preparing for her final show tomorrow. She got a 3 day break.

Leon: What country is she in now?

Onika: She's not to far. Florida.

Leon: She's in the US?!

Onika: No, she's in Buenos Aires,  Florida.

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