Chapter 22: Pain in the heart

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1 week later

Vilu's pov:

My life couldn't get any better than this. I can't believe that Leon never told me that our house had a movie theater too. Now that I know, I'm going to be spending a lot of my time here watching every movie I can watch.

Leon: (Came) Hey.

Vilu: I can't believe you never told me that we had a movie theatre.

Leon: (Sat down) Well, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot.

Vilu: Forgetting is not an excuse Leon. This movie theatre is lit.

Leon: What are you watching?

Vilu: Titanic. I can't get enough of it.

Leon: You can't get enough of any romantic movie can you?

Vilu: That is absolutely correct.

Leon: I Appreciate the honesty.

Vilu: You know what else I can't get enough of?

Leon: Tell me.

Vilu: You. (Smiled and interlocked her fingers with his)

Leon: (Laughed) You're so cheesy.

Vilu: I am NOT.

Leon: It only works if I do it to you. You are good at watching romantic movies and I am good at being romantic. Let it be that way.

Vilu: (Folded her arms) Then explain to me why our relationship can't be like that?

Leon: Why can't our relationship be like Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the movie?

Vilu: Yeah!

Leon: I'll give you one reason. It's because we're NOT in a movie. There is no way I'm going to be Leonardo DiCaprio and then you be Kate Winslet. That is not happening. We'll do our thing and let them do their thing.

Vilu: (Folded her arms) But some people do have a relationship like that.

Leon: What people?!

Vilu: People.

Leon: I get it. Okay you want a relationship like that. But no one acts like that these days. The movie is based on a true story but they modified it and exaggerate it for entertainment.

Vilu: (Sighed) I guess you're right.

~Buzzer rings~

??: (Speaker) Leon?! Hey Leon?!

Vilu: Is that Fede?!

Leon: Yeah I invited him over. We're gonna have a little chit chat.

Vilu: Is Ludmila with him?

Leon: I don't know. I'll go see.

Vilu: (Sighed) Alright then.

Leon: You just... Stay here be a good girl and watch Titanic quietly.

Vilu: (Looked at him) Fine. I'll stay here and cry silently for your lack of romance and humanity.


Fede: (Waiting outside quietly)

Ludmi: FEDE, I am not talking to you!

Fede: (Rolled his eyeballs) Then why did you come with me?

Ludmi: I want to see how great this house is. Maybe I'll like it and buy a house of my own to stay in alone.

Fede: (Sighed)

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