Chapter 11: The allegations (Part 1)

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Ludmi: I cannot believe it.

Vilu: Leon.... What... what is this?!

Leon: No, no that is NOT true.

Vilu: (Looked at him) Is that... Aiden?!

Leon: Yes but...

Vilu: Why were you with Aiden? Was this... Was this from TODAY?!

Leon: Okay Violetta, I can explain.

Ludmi: Well please do because this is very serious.

Leon: I went to search for Aiden because he escaped.

Vilu: Did Fran or Diego know?

Leon: Fran didn't but Diego did. That's why he called me up. He wanted me to go look for him without Francesca knowing.

Vilu: So that's all? You didn't do anything else?

Leon: What?! No!

Ludmi: Then why does the headline says "Leon Vargas aggressively abuses a child in public" with a photo below it showing you grabbing Aiden's arm so roughly like you were about to do something bad.

Leon: (Sighed) He refused to go back home and he was mocking me so I wanted to just be a little stern. I didn't do anything to him, I swear. I swear I didn't do anything Vilu,

Vilu: (Held him) Okay, I think we should all just calm down for a while.

~Phone rings~

Vilu: (Sighed and answered her phone) Hello?

Fran: Violetta, I need an ANSWER RIGHT NOW! 

Vilu: Okay Fran, just calm down.

Fran: I'm NOT gonna calm down! The news about Leon is EVERYWHERE! And then all of a sudden, I see AIDEN?! Do you know what's gonna happen if my aunt sees it? She's gonna BLOW up!

Diego: Fran, listen to me-

Fran: NO, you stay OUT You hear ME? I can't believe you LIED to me!

Diego: I didn't want you worrying...

Fran: Well, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED smart ass!

Leon: Vilu, on speaker.

Vilu: (On to speaker mode)

Leon: Francesca, listen. I am so sorry about what's happening but I was only trying to help. And I SWEAR I NEVER abused Aiden.

Fran: (Sighed) Yeah, I know you wouldn't do that. Your not like that. But I'm mad BECAUSE Aiden is ON THE INTERNET! My aunt is GONNA FREAK!

Vilu: Okay, Fran calm down. I think I'm getting another call. Let me answer it. Hold on. (Answered) Hello?

Cami: Vilu, are you serious?! Leon is accused of child abuse and of child molestation in another website too.


Leon: What the.... Oh my god... (Sat down and held his head)

Cami: Is this TRUE?

Vilu: OF course NOT! Leon is not LIKE that!

Cami: Better do something fast. The news is going viral. It's even on tv.

Vilu: Yeah, yeah okay Cami. I will. (Hung up)

Fran: (On the phone) What was the call about Vilu?

Vilu: Cami just called me and told me that Leon is accused of child molestation too.


Diego: (Background) Oh my god, this is all my fault.

Fran: It sure is IDIOT. Go and check on Aiden. Make sure he doesn't escape again!

Vilu: Fran, I need to settle this. I'll call you back soon.

Fran: Alright. Talk to you later. (Hung up)

Ludmi: Violetta, what are we going to do? Leon has landed himself into hot water. This is a very serious allegation he is facing. He can be charged.

Vilu: We all should just stay calm and rational.

Leon: I can't Vilu. My reputation and image is in stake. What is the public going to think of me now?!

Vilu: Then we need to find a way to clear the rumors before its too late.

~Phone rings~

Ludmi: Who's is it?

Vilu: Its not mine...

Leon: (Took out his phone) Oh no...

Vilu: What?

Leon: It's Onika...

Vilu: Oh no...

Ludmi: Who's Onika?

Vilu: Leon's manager.

Leon: (Answered phone) Hello...

Onika: Leon Vargas, you know why I am calling don't you!

Leon: Yeah... (Gulped)


Leon: (Explained everything)

Onika: (Shook her head) This is a very serious matter.

Leon: I know...

Onika: Well, I've got something to tell you

Leon: What?

Onika: One of the people called me and asked me to arrange an interview for you with Barbara. 

Leon: Wait... You mean THE BARBARA?

Onika: Yes. It's going to be live too. The whole world is going to be watching it so you better get ready.

Leon: (Sighed) I don't think I can do it...

Onika: You think I gave you a choice?

Leon: ...............

Onika: You have to do this for your own sake. And they are also asking to call Violetta in too. So she will be interviewing you both.

Leon: (Sighed) Okay... When is it?

Onika: Tomorrow evening. Get yourself ready and be at the studio by 5. (Hung up)

Vilu: Leon, what's wrong?

Leon: They are asking me and you to be on the Barbara's show tomorrow evening for an interview. It's gonna be live.

Ludmi: Wait, you mean the Daily show with Barbara?!

Leon: Yeah...

Ludmi: Ohhh, good luck boy. She's a very direct and stern journalist. Her questions are very biting.

Leon: You think I don't know that?! So Vilu, are you willing to come along?

Vilu: Of course. I would do anything to protect you.

Ludmi: Careful Vilu, it's gonna be Live. The whole world will be watching. Plus, she might ask you personal questions from your life too. So get ready.

Vilu: I'm not scared of anything.

??: (Came and smiled) Hi Vilu.

Vilu: ANGIE?!

My head is hurting seriously. Thanks for reading. ❤

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