Chapter 15: A friend in need

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German: (Shocked) Wait, are you serious?! Your pregnant?!

Vilu: Oh my god Angie. I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be a SISTER!

Ludmi: That means we're gonna have to throw 2 parties at once. How are we going to pull that off?

Vilu: I'm sure we can.

German: W-wait a minute. I still can't believe your pregnant Angie. I don't even remember us...

Ludmi: OKAY we don't need to know German.

German: N-no.... I was gonna say....  Uhm... Never mind. This is all too much. I'm going to bed now. Have a good night everybody... (Touched his head and went)

Angie: (Was laughing silently)

Vilu: Angie...?

Angie: What?!

Ludmi: Why are you laughing?

Angie: What? No It's just that your father is so funny. He makes me laugh in ways you can't understand. Especially his expressions.

Leon: You think that was funny?

Ludmi: Wait, he's funny?!

Angie: Yeah, he is. Right Vilu?

Vilu: Uh...

Leon: (Folded his arms) Angie....

Angie: What?

Leon: What's going on?

Angie: What do you mean?

Leon: Is there something your not telling us?

Angie: What? I don't get it.

Leon: Angie....

Angie: (Laughed) Okay, okay....  You guys.... I'm actually NOT pregnant.

Vilu: WHAT?!

Ludmi: No way.

Leon: I knew it. I was wondering to myself how Angie could SUDDENLY get pregnant like German would allow that.  (Laughed)

Vilu: I can't believe your making fun of my dad.

Fede: (Laughed)  Leon, your literally the definition of a douche right now. 

Leon: (Shrugged) I guess I am.

Ludmi: You just lied right in front of our faces and we believed it. I can't believe it.

Angie: Well....

Ludmi: Omg Please teach me how to do that! I'm really bad at lying.

Leon: You? Bad at lying?! But you are Ludmila Ferro. You're the Queen of lying.

Angie: Ooooh....

Vilu: This went from 0-100 real quick.

Fede: No she's NOT! She's a changed girl. She's such a sweetheart right now. (Petted Ludmila's head)

Ludmi: Federico, do you think I'm a dog or something?

Fede: Uh...

Ludmi: STOP that!

Fede: (Took his hands away)

Vilu: Okay, switching gears. Angie, why did you lie to dad saying you are pregnant? 

Angie: I just wanted him to feel bad. Because literally throughout the entire trip, he was acting all awkward towards me. He wasn't even brave enough to make the first move. So I wanted to freak him out a little.

Ludmi: Well, mission accomplished.

Vilu: When are you telling dad the truth?

Angie: Soon. I don't want to upset him too much.

??: I can't believe it Angie!

Angie: Uh...

Ludmi: Oh Olga, Ramallo...  We didn't... See you there.

Olga: I can't believe you lied to sir. He's gonna be mad.

Angie: Nah. He'll never be mad at me. He's my husband for heaven sake. He loves me.

Ramallo: (Nodded his head) She's got a point there.

Olga: Well he will be mad IF he finds out... From me. (Smiled)

Everyone: OLGA....!

Olga: Okay, okay. My lips are sealed.

Ramallo: Yeah... I don't think it's fully sealed. I'll be by your side from now on until Angie tells the truth because we all know you can be a blabber mouth.

Olga: That is NOT true.

~Vilu's Phone rings~

Vilu: Oh uhm excuse me. (Went out)

German: (Came and was confused) What are you all still doing here?

Olga: Uhm...

Fede: LUDMI.. You told me that you wanted to show me the picture of those stars you sketched am I right...?

Ludmi: Uh Yeah... let's go right now, shall we. (Went with Fede)

Angie: I uhm... I'll be upstairs just... Reading a book. Excuse me... (Went)

Olga: Ramallo.....

Ramallo: ON IT. (Closed her mouth and smiled at German) Ahah, Excuse us. (Went)

Leon: (Awkwardly stood there)

German: And you? Where are you supposed to be right now?

Leon: I uhm, I'll be outside with Violetta.

German: ..............

Leon: ...............

German: Well?

Leon: Yeah... Ehem excuse me. (Went)


Leon: (Came)

Vilu: (On the phone) Alright, thank you for telling me. Bye. (Hung up)

Leon: Hey, what's up?

Vilu: Oh uhm... It's Nothing.

Leon: Are you sure?

Vilu: Yeah I am...

Leon: Violetta... Don't be an Angie 2.0

Vilu: Okay, okay. It's about Tomas.

Leon: What about Tomas?

Vilu: He... just went for a hand Surgery.

Leon: Why? What happened to him?

Vilu: He got really drunk and aggressive that he punched his hands onto a mirror and now its pretty damaged.

And now I'm pretty tired so I'm going to bed. Thanks for reading. ❤

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