Chapter 14: Are you serious?

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Vilu: (Sighed) Okay dad, calm down. I can explain.

German: Explain then.

Vilu: I was just scared to tell you. I thought you would blow up. So I wanted to tell you when the right moment comes...

German: That's not a good explanation.

Vilu: Well, what explanation do you want from me?

German: When did you discover that you got pregnant?

Vilu: A few weeks ago...

German: Approximately how many weeks?

Vilu: 4-5 weeks....

German: Just one more question.

Vilu: Okay...?

German: Is the baby Leon's?

Angie: GERMAN!

Vilu: Well of course it is dad.

German: How do you know?

Ludmi: Are you kidding me?

Vilu: Well because....

German: What?

Vilu: You just want me to say it don't you?!

German: Go ahead.

Vilu: (Scoffed) Because he is the last person I did it with.

German: So no one else other than him?

Vilu: EW NO!

German: (Hugged her) Then CONGRATULATIONS my darling! I'm so happy for you!

Vilu: ( ಠ_ಠ )???

German: I can't believe it! I'm going to be a grandfather!

Ludmi: We should celebrate this joyous occasion.

German: I agree. Let's throw a mini party for Violetta tomorrow.

Ludmi: Where?

German: Right here.

Vilu: Well, can I invite my friends?

German: Uhm.... Maybe....?

Vilu: DAD!

German: (Laughed) I'm kidding. Of course you can sweetie. It's your party.

Ludmi: Perfect. I'm going to invite the entire studio to come. We'll put up streamers and some disco lights along with a grand buffet and an entire orchestra. Maybe I'll even add it a portable Jacuzzi, hot tub and swimming pool.

Vilu: Eh...

Leon: Ludmilla, this isn't a strip club. This is a small mini party for Violetta to celebrate her pregnancy. The last thing she needs is to feel like she is in some sort of inappropriate place.

Vilu: Maybe I'll consider taking that option for my birthday party.

Ludmi: Really?!

Leon: Absolutely not. That ain't happening.

Ludmi: Oh come on Leon. Your no fun. Be spontaneous for once can you?

Vilu: Hey, Leon is fun and spontaneous okay.

Ludmi: Yeah... only in the bedroom. (Coughed)

Vilu: LUDMILA...

Leon: Can you like NOT?

German: OKAY. I think that's enough discussion for today. We'll just have a normal classy party for Violetta tomorrow and that's that. Period.

Angie: So is this going to be a tradition or what?

German: What do you mean?

Angie: Like if one of our family members get pregnant, we're going to throw a party for them?

German: I guess so. But why do you ask?

Angie: Because I feel like we are going to have to throw more than 1 pregnancy party tomorrow.

Everyone: (C_C)??

German: Wait, are you SERIOUS? Are you saying what I think your saying?!

Angie: Yeah....

German: Your PREGNANT?!

Angie: (Nodded her head) Yeah....

Everyone: (Shocked)

The number of people reading this book is so limited like I feel like this book is so irrelevant.

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