Chapter 13: The allegations and interview (Part 3)

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German: She's... p-pregnant?!?

Angie: I can't believe it.

German: This is unbelievable.

Angie: I'm gonna be a grandma! (Smiled and jumped)

Fede: Well, she seems to be taking it lightly.

Ludmi: Yeah but German doesn't look too happy. We need to do something.

Barbara: Well then, on behalf of everyone who is watching this right now, I wanna congratulate you on your pregnancy.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you...

Barbara: Now moving on, as you know, there are rumors spreading online saying that you abused a child. Some might even say that you molested him. What do you have to say for that Leon?

Leon: First of all, let me make this clear that I would NEVER ever harm or molest a kid. EVER. It's not in my system. It's not who I am. I'm not even interested in that. Even if that kid is my son, I would NEVER. Maybe I'll beat them a little bit here and there but the most I would go to is to scold or reprimand them if they are wrong. 

Barbara: So you admit you would somewhat beat your child if he/she is wrong?

Leon: Now When I say ''beat'', I don't mean it in a harmful way. I mean maybe on their hand if they can't keep their hands to themselves or something like that. I would never go to the extent where I harmfully abuse a child. 

Barbara: There is a photo taken online showing you grabbing this boy's hand angrily. It looked like... you were attempting to viciously assault or abuse this boy. Now who is this boy and why did you do what you did?

Leon: Okay so that ''boy'' is actually the cousin of Francesca Caviglia. He is sometimes mischevious and can be a real pain in the butt. On that day, Diego called me and told me that he escaped from his room so I had to go looking for him. And when I found him, he didn't want to go back so I had to be a little firm with him. 

Barbara: What did you tell him? 

Leon: I told him that if he didn't want to go home, I would just have to call the police and let them take him home instead. (Snapped his fingers) And immediately, he obeyed and followed me home.

Barbara: So because he didn't want to go back, you had to viciously grab his hand and threaten him that you would call the police if he didn't?

Leon: I had to. There was no other way.

Barbara: Don't you think you could have done it in another possible way? I mean, he's just a kid.

Leon: Yes, He may be little but he is very rebellious and some things just has to be done. 

Barbara: Does that include grabbing a child's hand? Why did you even do that?

Leon: I was outraged and annoyed. 

Barbara: Still, some people say that doesn't excuse your impulsiveness.

Vilu: I'm sorry to jump in but uhm, I think Leon had every right to do what he did. Leon is like a father figure to him. He simply was just trying to get him to go home. Sometimes you need to do and say these things to kids to make them do the right thing. Alot of people do it, not only him. Maybe his choice of action wasn't wise or carefully forethought but as far as what people say, he is not like that. I've known him for a very long time and he has a heart of gold. I know for a fact that he would NEVER ever lay a hand on anybody's child. Not even his. Its preposterous what people would say. 

Barbara: So from what I understand, there are a lot of doubters about this marriage. Alot of people have expressed their skepticism via social media about how they truly felt. I've even heard that it's just a publicity stunt to lure his fans into liking you so that it would boost your career and this is all part of a calculation to get Leon and his money.

Leonetta: Our children are in our hands (Sequel To Marriage) Where stories live. Discover now