Chapter 36: History repeats itself

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The next day

Vilu: (Packing her things in her room)

Ludmi: (Came) Hey Sister.

Vilu: Hey Ludmila.

Ludmi: Wha- why are you packing your things? Where are you going? 

Vilu: I'm moving in with Leon.

Ludmi: Leon?! He arrived in Buenos Aires already?

Vilu: Yeah, didn't I tell you?

Ludmi: (Shook her head confusingly) No you didn't. You didn't say a word to me yesterday.

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh yeah, probably because I was too happy. Oh, I can't wait to be with him again! 

Ludmi: (Sighed) So I guess I'll have to be here alone then?

Vilu: You're not alone. You've got Federico, Angie and my dad.

Ludmi: Yeah but... it's.... not the same.... ehm.... without you....

Vilu: (Smiled) Awww, that's so sweet. (Hugged her) I promise that you can come over to my house anytime you want. 

Ludmi: Really?!

Vilu: (Smiled) Yes

Ludmi: Great because I'm going to come over EVERYDAY!

Vilu: Ehm... 

German: (Came in) Hey Vilu

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh, hi dad.

German: (Looked at her clothes) Wait, why are you packing?! Where are you going?

Vilu: (Smiled) Oh, I thought I told you?

German: (Shook his head) Told me what?! You didn't tell me anything.

Vilu: Oh uhm... well, Leon returned to Buenos Aires yesterday. So I'm packing my things. I'm going to go move back in with him.

German: Violetta... how do I put this in a way you won't be mad? Uhm... you're not going anywhere.

Vilu: What?

German: I'm not letting you move back in with him.

Vilu: What?! WHY?!

German: The accident was just a few months ago.

Vilu: I'm fine now dad!

German: No, You are staying here for another couple of weeks until I'm very sure that you are okay.

Vilu: WHAT?! NO-

German: Don't argue with me Violetta.

Vilu: I TOLD YOU I'm fine dad. I'm going anyways. I can't listen to you this time. (Was about to go out)

German: Violetta, if you walk out that door right now, you can never ever return to this house ever again.

Vilu: (Turned around and shook her head) Do you realize what you're doing is going to tear me and Leon apart?

German: You can always call
or drop him a message.

Vilu: Dad, I haven't been with Leon for 5 months and in June, I'm going to go on tour and in July, he is going to go on tour too.  If I don't be with him now, then I never will. This isn't a healthy relationship if I'm just going to be apart from him every month.

Dad: (Folded his arms) Unpack your things now and put them where they belong. (Went out)

Vilu: (Sat down on her bed and just gazed into thin air)

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