chapter 47: Mirror image of us

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The next day

Fran: Thanks for inviting me and Diego over to spend some time with you guys

Vilu: (Smiled) Anytime Fran. We love your company.

Fran: And about Aiden, thanks again for helping us with them.

Leon: (Smiled) Its our pleasure. Over time, we really grew fond of of them. Especially Aiden.

Fran: Is it just me, or do you now like Aiden?

Leon: Maybe I do. He told me his problems and opened up to me about it. He was honest and all he said reminded me of myself. So I guess you can say he's like my little bro.

Fran: (Faked laughed) Only he was worse.

Vilu: Fran, don't say that.

Fran: Okay, okay I'm sorry.

Diego: Well, what are we doing now?

Leon: Wanna watch a movie?

Fran: Oh, yes, Yes, YES! (Smiled and clapped her hands)

Diego: Wow, You're excited.

Vilu: I LOVE movies. Especially the romantic ones, I LIVE FOR THEM! I HAVE A BUNCH OF IT! I'll go GET IT! (Ran up)

Diego: A bunch? How'd she get so many?

Leon: I... bought them for her for our anniversary.

Diego: (Chuckled) Oh, wow.

Fran: You never bought me movies.

Diego: (Stared at her) I didn't think you'd want them.

Fran: Are you kidding? I love them too.

Diego: Okay then, I'll make sure to drop by the movie store and buy you some later.

Fran: Forget it Diego. There's no need for that.

Vilu: (Came and placed all the movies on the table) HERE!

Diego: Woah, there's so many to choose from.

Vilu: (Smiled) My favourite is Titanic. It never gets old.

Leon: Which one do you guys wanna see?

Fran: Oh, I wanna watch the Notebook. Ryan Gosling FOR LIFE!

Vilu: Okay then, let's watch it at the movie theatre.

Fran: Movie theatre? But why should we go to the movie theatre when we can watch it here?

Vilu: Oh, I didn't tell you..?

Fran: Tell me what?

Leon: We have our own movie theater. Next to the basement. (Pointed to the door)

Fran: (Turned around And was shocked) What....?

Diego: Woah, what did you just say?

Fran: (Ran there and opened the door shocked)

Vilu: (Came and smiled) You like it?


Leon: Pretty cool huh?

Fran: I can't believe it. This place is so grand and beautiful. It's so cozy. OMG.

Diego: How much did you pay?

Leon: It was at an okay price. It's just a small theatre.

Diego: You call this SMALL? Yeah it's small but it looks big.

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