Chapter 12: The allegations and interview (Part 2)

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Vilu: (Shocked) ANGIE?!

Everyone: (Shocked) 

Angie: (Smiled) Hi Vilu.

Vilu: W- what are you doing here?

Angie: I came back from my trip?

Vilu: Where's dad?!

Angie: He's downstairs.

Vilu: (Panicked) Oh no...

Angie: Is everything all right Vilu?

Vilu: (Faked smiled and  hugged her) Everything is fine Angie. Now uhm can you do me a favour and tell dad that I'll be down in a bit.

Angie: O-okay... Oh Vilu, I missed you so much. I can't wait for you to tell me everything (Went out)

Vilu: Aheheh.... I'm so screwed. (Sat down)

Ludmi: What are you gonna do Vilu? Now that Angie and German are back, things are going to be different. Are you gonna tell them?!

Vilu: Maybe to Angie but my dad will freak.

Leon: But you have to tell them sooner or later. Do you know how mad he will be if he finds out from somebody else that you are pregnant?!

Vilu: I know.... I don't know what I am gonna do. I don't know how I'm gonna tell him.

Ludmi: How about we tell him later together? I'll be your back support in case he looses his mind.

Fede: (Came in) Hey guys, did you all know that German and Angie are back?

Ludmi: We know Fede. But we have other things to worry about.

Fede: Like what?!

Ludmi: Leon's allegations. 

Fede: What Allegations?!

Ludmi: (Showed him her phone)

Fede: (Read everything) Wait, are you serious?!

Ludmi: (Nodded her head) Very. And the news is spreading. His manager booked him an interview with Barbara.

Fede: Wait, you mean the Daily Show-

Ludmi: Yes Fede.

Fede: No way. She's a tough cookie.

Ludmi: You don't say.

Fede: Oh man, Leon I'm so sorry. I know how hard this must be for you.

Leon: It's alright Fede. You don't have to be. 

Fede: Well, does Mr German and Angie know about this?!

Vilu: They don't. They don't even know I'm pregnant. That's the biggest part.

Fede: Well are you planning to tell them?

Vilu: I don't know...

Fede: Well as long as nobody tells them, we're fine.

Everyone: (Widened their eyes)

Vilu: Oh no...

Everyone: (Ran downstairs)


Ramallo: (Closing Olga's mouth)

Olga: (Trying to talk)

German: Ramallo, what the hell are you doing?

Ramallo: (Faked laughed) Eheheh, oh you know....

German: (Shook his head) No I don't.

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