Chapter 42: Return of the cousin's

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Leon: (Came back in) Hey Vilu-

Vilu: (Stared at his phone)

Leon: Is that my phone ringing?

Vilu: (Showed him his phone)

Leon: Oh, Lara...

Vilu: (Gave the phone to him) Take it.

Leon: (Looked at Violetta)

Vilu: What are you waiting for?

Leon: You sure?

Vilu: I'm sure. (Smiled a bit)

Leon: Okay then. Well uhm... I'll just go take this now. I'll be back. (Went out)

Ludmi: (Came in) Ugh, can't stand Lara.

Vilu: How did you know?

Ludmi: I heard everything. I was standing right there.

Vilu: Ludmila, can you don't spy next time?

Ludmi: Who's spying? I just came by. I think it's really unfair what you are doing to yourself Violetta.

Vilu: What am I doing?

Ludmi: Letting yourself be replaced by Lara. Letting her spend time with your man.

Vilu: (Sighed) I don't need this talk anymore Ludmila.

Ludmi: NO! You DO NEED it. STOP letting Leon hang out and chat with other girls. Especially with her.

Vilu: I trust him Ludmila.

Ludmi: Oh really? Well guess what? I DON'T! You know what? I'm LEAVING! (Rolled her eyeballs and walked away)

Leon: (Came in) Ludmila-

Ludmi: (Ignored him and went)

Leon: What's with her?

Vilu: (Shook her head) She's just mad because you are still in contact with Lara and I'm not doing anything to stop it.

Leon: What?! Ugh, how many times am I going to TELL her?! God she just can't get over it like you can.

Vilu: Well, I never said I was over it or anything....

Leon: No, not you too. Look, I already told you that we are just friends. Why can't you believe me?

Vilu: No, no, I believe you.

Leon: You don't seem like you do.

Vilu: I DO.

Leon: Well, whatever it is, that doesn't matter anymore.

Vilu: I- I've gotta go. (Was about to go)

Leon: (Pulled her hand) Not so fast Violetta.

Vilu: (Looked at him) What?

Leon: (Walked closer to her and kissed her)

Vilu: (Shocked)

Ludmi: (Smiled and came in) Well isn't this touching?!

Leon: (Quickly pulled away) Goddamn it, why are you still here? I thought you left?!

Ludmi: (Smiled) Yeah but I came back. I had a feeling this would happen. That was so sweet Leon. I knew you had it in you.

Leon: Ludmila...

Ludmi: What?

Leon: (Smiled) Get out.

Ludmi: Okay, okay... Shesh you don't have to be so rude. (Went)

Later that evening

Vilu: (Trying on some shirts)

Leon: (Came in and smiled) You look great in anything you wear..

Vilu: (Smiled) That's not the point. I'm just picking a shirt to wear tomorrow. Which one looks nicer on me?

Leon: Like I said, you look beautiful in anything you wear so. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled) Thanks Leon. That's sweet.

Leon: So uhm... Are you still upset about me and Lara...

Vilu: (Sat down on the bed) Okay, I think we need to put a stop to this. I am NOT upset. I am NOT mad. I am NOT jealous. No more talking about her. I don't care If you both hang out or talk. End of story.

Leon: You really have no problem with it?

Vilu:. No, I don't.

Leon: Because she wants to meet up with me tomorrow to discuss about something.

Vilu: Then do it, I DON'T CARE.

Leon: Okay then. (Sat beside her) But before I spend time with her, I must do something else first.

Vilu: And what is that?!

Leon: (Came to her) I must spend time with my wife first. (Smiled)

Vilu: Oh, really?

Leon: (Took her hand and kissed it)

Vilu: You think that this is going to make me feel better?

Leon: (Kissed her neck continuously)

Vilu: Alright, you know what? Since we are being honest right now, I'll just say that I do care a little when you hang out with her. It's like I never get a day with you and she's already getting it.

Leon: Then that's going to change from now on. (Kissed her shoulders)

Vilu: Oh, don't be silly. I still love you no matter what. You don't need to do all this. But oh honey... How I miss having this feeling. I haven't felt it in a long time and you're giving it to me right now.

Leon: (Kissed her arms)

Vilu: (Groaned) Stop it Leon.

Leon: You sure?

Vilu: Okay, don't stop. I need you.

Leon: (Smiled) I wasn't planning to stop but I'm afraid that If we don't stop, you'll be pregnant again.

Vilu: So what? Isn't that a good thing?

Leon: For real?

Vilu: (Touched his face) Leon, I miss you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you.

Leon: And I love you.... (Kissed her)

~House gates phonebox rings~

Leon and Vilu: (Got a shock)

Vilu: Oh my god that scared me.

Leon: I can't even have an alone moment with my wife for 1 second?

Vilu: (Turned on the speaker) Yes, who is this?

??: Hey Vilu, It's Fran!

Vilu: Fran? What are you doing here?

Fran: Me and Diego are here to ask you a little favour. We're going on our honeymoon tomorrow and we're hoping you guys can babysit Grace and Aiden while we are gone.

Leon: U kidding?

Vilu: Oh, okay then. We'll be there tomorrow.

Fran: Oh, no we brought them here. They're with us now. We are leaving later and reaching our destination tomorrow.

Leon: That's it, I'm moving to England.

Vilu: Oh. My. God.

Thanks for reading. 💓 Sorry If it was too dirty. 😂💝

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