Chapter 4: We need to watch out

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Chris: (Shocked) D-Danny? What are you doing here? How are you here?! When did you get here?

Danny: (Laughed) Wow, so many questions, I'm flattered. But one at a time please.

Leon: (Serious) Danny...

Danny: Ah, Leon. My man. How's it goin?

Leon: Danny, I'm going to tell you nicely. Please get your hands off my wife.

Danny: (Widened his eyes and looked at Violetta) Oh, this girl's your wife Leon? Wow, looks like my wish did come true.

Leon: Hands OFF....

Danny: Of course... (Looked at Violetta) Sorry sweetie. Was it painful?

Vilu: (Hesitatant) A bit...

Danny: Well, yeah my hands are made of steel. (Raised his eyebrows)

Vilu: ...........

Danny: (Turned around and saw Ludmila) Wait... Ferro?

Ludmi: (Covered her face)

Danny: (Went to her) Ludmila?

Ludmi: (Gulped) Danny...

Danny: Wow You don't look a day over 17. You look better actually.

Fede: (Blocked him) Hey, leave her alone okay.

Danny: Oh, and who may this charming little guy be?

Ludmi: Ahem, he's my boyfriend...

Danny: Boyfriend?! Hah, guess Leon wasn't good enough for you. Well, for starters, he does look descent I'd say. (Looked at Fede)

Chris: Danny, WHAT are you doing here?!

Danny: Ah Christopher... Always the curious fella. Well where should I start?

Chris: I thought you went to jail?

Danny: Ah, Yes that. Took them long enough to catch me. Amateur's. But It was practically a nightmare. Ugh the food, service and cell was atrocious. I could vomit in my own mouth looking at it but meh, I'm over it and here I am.

Leon: When did you get released?

Danny: About a month ago I guess. I was in Chile but I managed to come here with a boat.

Chris: A BOAT? Dan, are you insane?! That's illegal!

Danny: Uhm, I know. Do you think I'm stupid?

Chris: Well, I'm just saying because it is...

Danny: Oh, please. I know when something's Illegal. I've been doing it all my life. My name can literally be Danny Illegal Ross. (Laughed)

Leon: (Went to him) Danny, cut the act!

Danny: What are you talking about man?

Leon: THIS entire thing here. Your acting witty, kind and your literally not cussing.

Danny: (Folded his arms) Okay, Vargas. What are you trying to get at here?

Leon: Your just not yourself. What happened to you?!

Danny: NOTHING happened to me. I'm still the same old Danny. Only cooler and calmer.

Chris: Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like it.

Danny: Well yes it doesn't seem like it but its true. I'm still the same old Danny. Only Cooler, calmer.... and very heartbrokened. (Sighed)

Chris: Oh uhm...

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