Jane the Killer

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Following the trail of my sister's blood, I found myself in the unused part of the mansion. When we stepped in front of the door, my body froze. My little snakes spread around sniffing the air. Then I heard it....

"Stop!! Please, just stop!!" Kuro pleaded

I looked at Smiley and to my surprise, he was nowhere to be found. I just sighted and held the doorknob. Just as I opened the door, the smell of Kuro's blood made me forget about everything else.

As I stepped in the room, I saw a nasty scene. My sister was on the floor, shivering and panting. On her eyes, the fear and pain were extremely present. Then I looked to the other side of the room....there she was.... Jane the Killer....

My eyes were full of anger and sadness. She dared to hurt my sister!! I didn't hesitate and soon enough, I raced towards her and pinned her down. My fists meeting her face in a not-so-romantic state. Kuro ran out of the room and let me handle this stupid girl.

My fists hit her face hard for more times that I can count. Then, my long snake hair started biting at her flesh, spreading poison in her blood. I took my sunglasses off and looked at her.

"Look into my eyes!!" I said angry

She responded by spitting in my face. I laughed and hit her again, this time on her side.

"Look into my eyes!!" I shouted

Slowly she looked at my eyes. Her eyes widened and I knew that her legs were turning into stone. Fear was seen on her face and I was satisfied.

"You whore. You dared to hurt the only family I have left?! But, thankfully, your body will soon turn into stone." I said

Her gaze at my eyes turned into one full of anger. Jane's body shivered and she sobbed. How could a girl like Jane be so monstrous like Jeff?

"Please....let me g-go..." Jane pleaded

I looked at her in surprise, but then I noticed that her veins turned black colored and her down half of her body turned into stone.

"You hurt my sister and you plead for mercy?! Screw you!!" I shouted

I held her tightly and moved her to the bed. My eyes were focused only on her. In her last moments of life (before turning completely to stone), she pulled me towards her and kissed me.

"What the-?!" I shouted

"Best. Fight. Ever!" She said and smiled to me

Then her body turned into stone completely. Jane's cold hands were still on my face, but now they were only stone. Not even a hint of life could be seen in her eyes. Still, she looked beautiful. For the last time, as I walked to the door, I looked at Jane's statue.

"Yes. Indeed. Best. Fight. Ever." I muttered sadly

And after that, I walked out of her room.

1. Zalgo

"Where is Jane?!" I shouted at Scarecrow

Scarecrow just stood there quietly and my anxiety grew more. Jane has never been out for so long. That worries me.

Jane is part of a very important plan. Without her, I can't conquer the Earth.

"Master, Jane has been kidnapped and turned into stone." Scarecrow said

I stood up, walked towards her and looked at her. Her face all flustered.

"Bring her back!" I whisper-shout

Scarecrow nodded and left to look for my pupil, Jane.


After what if felt like forever, Scarecrow brought Jane. Just a statue of her, but it still was Jane.

In her arms, her veins were popped up. That means she was poisoned. This is going to be a lot of work for me.

1. Jane

Everything was dark. The last thing I remember doing was kissing Rebecca. Now I can't move my body at all. I feel so useless.

Master Zalgo will be so displeased by the sight of my stone body....

What happened in that room was that Rebecca turned me into stone before the poison could kill me. Now I'm just in a "induced coma" state. I just hope Master Zalgo can do something about this.

"Zalgo!!" I shouted

No answer....

"Master please help me!!!" I shouted again

There was a short pause, then someone answered.

"Jane. My dearest pupil. How come you ended up so low?" Zalgo spoke

"Oh master, your pupil was blinded by love. Once I get my hands on my lover, I'll kill it. Then my work shall not be interrupted by feelings." I answered

"I am proud of you. You shall have a second chance. Make sure you say hi to Rebecca for me." Zalgo said


My eyes soon opened and I was in Zalgo's palace. Master Zalgo's palace is humongous in size and space. All of his workers live here. My room is the closest to Zalgo's.

As soon as I regained my balance again, I ran out of the palace and towards Rebecca.

"My dear love, I'm coming back to you." I mumbled

And so, I exited Master Zalgo's domain and looked for Rebecca.

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