Fake Death

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1. Jane

I'm feeling guilty. I didn't want to kill my lover. I would never! Even so, it's necessary for me. I've never been selfish, but now, Master Zalgo needs me.
Rebecca began singing loudly like a psycho. Her voice booming around the gigantic room.

Melodic voice....

Need to....


I have.....


Kill her....


1. Kuro

Why won't she kill her already?! Something must me wrong...

I took Jane's hand and shook it hardly. Jane just stared at my sister like if she were... It cannot be! Becca hypnotized Jane! I'll just have to do it myself then.

I pulled Rebecca's snake hair hardly and she shouted in pain. I huge smile was marked on my face as I saw tears flowing down her scaled cheeks. Jane broke out of the trance and stared at me in surprise....

"What are you doing?! "asked Jane

I smiled warmly at her and took out a knife...

"I'm ending your unfinished job. Rebecca shall brother you no more... "

I was about to cut her neck wide open when suddenly the knife I once held was shoved away from my tight grip. Rebecca smiled softly as I turned around to see the one and only Slenderman...

1. Slenderman

She almost died...
I wasn't there....
She needs me...

I shoved Kuro's knife away with my tentacles and stepped behind her. My sweet Rebecca smiled when she saw me and my heart skipped a beat. I looked down at Kuro as the anger within me boiled up until I felt bubbles on mind. This is the first time I care about a person that's not myself and Zalgo shall not get away with it... I swear by the proxies name that I shall defend her with my life!

I grabbed Kuro by her hair and pulled her away from my "snake babe". As I pulled her hair, she cursed me under her breath. Nonchalantly, I kept going. Pulling her was easy, but when I threw her to the wall, her screams were gorgeous.

I liked how she screamed.

When I walked closer to her, I saw the knife she wanted to use against Becca. One of my tentacles grabbed of for me and I kept walking towards Kuro. Everyone was too shocked to move...

Homicidal Liu....

But my "snake babe" cheered for me...

"Go on my Slendy! Make her suffer!" She shouted at me.

But that's when I saw it...

Jane moved towards Becca with a knife in hand...

Jane grabbed Becca by her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her scaled neck. That really made me angry. How dared she!

"Put the knife down and get away from here.... "Jane said

I really wanted to have a face now so I could smirk. I took out a bell from my pocket and ring it.

*ring, ring,  ring*

Jeff and my other creepy pastas came out of nowhere into the house. Just as I have planned...

Liu instantly tried to run away after seeing Jeff, but Jane stared at him. Then, Jane did something unexpected....

Becca's neck had a red line from side to side....

The knife was covered in blood....

Her body feel lifeless to the floor....

The whole world stopped for me. Everything I fought for was lost in a second. All of the feelings I wasn't supposed to have were bursting out from nowhere.

Without thinking it twice, I ran towards Jane. I used my tentacles as knifes and I stabbed her countless times. My movements were faster than light itself. The only thing that had mattered in my lonely life was gone because of her! Nobody could stop me from killing her.

*stab, stab, stab, stab*

Countless holes were made in her torso and the blood was all over the floor. She didn't breathe anymore. She didn't shout anymore. Jane was finally dead! I felt like an amount of weight was being lifted from my shoulders. Now I had to check the most beautiful thing I had.

I walked to the corpse of my dear "snake babe" and looked at her. She was smiling. Her gorgeous green eyes shining as if she were still alive. The snakes hissed softly, they were slowly dying too.

*huge static sound*

"All of Jane's buddies get outta here before I kill you all.... "I said through something that humans called "sobs"

They left running, which left me dumbfounded. I've never seen people running so fast. Then I heard coughing. It was coming from her body.

*cough, cough*

Her eyes slowly moved and looked at me. I was left dumbfounded by this. She's alive....

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