Maybe it's not that bad...

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1. Chad (it's been a while, no? It's fair enough...)

It's been a while since I've been freed and Junior told everyone in the mansion about it as a "way to prevent future disasters involving certain person" (as Junior said, which I found rude...very rude). I wasn't against he telling everyone that I was free, but I thought his training was a secret. Being the secretive person I was before I was declared "diseased", I got used to hide my stuff from people. If he tells the queen of Spain that he has a ghost under his control is not my problem.

Minutes ago, Rebecca threw on the kitchen table and unconscious Slenderman. Junior came down from his room running and I had no choice but to close the door on his "awesomely handsome" face (as he calls it). Me closing the door meant Junior trying to break it down, but I threatened him by saying a powerful phrase: "I'll tell your father that you aren't behaving well and he'll surely do something about it. Maybe a punishment for disobeying the orders of a person that is older than you. You know what? I'll talk to Lady Rebecca to see what she thinks of this...." Okay.... I admit it. It's not a phrase, but either way, it was effective. Slenderboy pleaded me to not say a thing and even begged me on his knees (not to mention that he offered some stuff that was hard to decline). This surprised me, for he never begs anyone. At that moment, a single thought entered my mind:

"How does his parents punish him to make him act like this?"

My question was answered by "Handsome Prince Junior" (he made me call him that twice because I lost a bet). On the other side of the huge kitchen doors I heard a muffled "you don't wanna know that" and I stayed quiet after that.

Going back to where I was, Slender laid unconscious on the table while Rebecca freaked out with Jack on the living room. The poor man had to listen to a sad Rebecca whimpering and crying about how she knocked out the boss.

Looking at Slender, I could notice that he wasn't dead. That's the first thing out of "Rebecca's what to do" list (which I was glad to not know), yet I could tell that what he was dreaming or something, was really bad.

He kept moving his head from right to left and his hands relaxed and tensed depending on where he was. Unluckily for me, he even talked in his dream.

From his lips nonsense like "gorgeous trees", "wooden bridge" and "lovely castle" would escape. Most of the time, I could hear his voice inside of my head, talking to me. Not only that, but I also answered inside of my head. This made me slightly curious as I heard the conversation with interest.

"Master, they said you were dead years ago.... What are you doing here?" I spoke in a soft voice that was barely above a whisper

I couldn't hear anything but our- their....? I don't know how to say it. Let me just say that a version of myself was speaking with the unconscious man/being/thing besides me.

"I'm unconscious right now... I don't know what I'm doing nor where I am. Can you please enlighten me?" Spoke Slender in a sweet tone

"I don't have any idea of why you're here, but this is actually amazing. Currently it's been two years since Zoe- I mean, Rebecca fought with Zalgo. Everyone left after the battle cause Rebecca survived and you died in the midst of battle. They wanted to take her down. Yet as I am a soul, I'm attached to this here home where you once ruled with Lady Rebecca. Is there anything else you wish to know?" I spoke softly and politely

"Is there anyone that still lingers here besides you?" Asked Slender with a hint of worry present in his voice.

"Currently, yes. There are four persons living here to be exact: Eyeless Jack, Slenderboy, Rebecca and Ben." I answered happily

"You said that every pasta was chasing Lady Rebecca, how come there are two with her?" Slender asked really worriedly.

"They have known each other since they were kids and apparently they both want to protect her. Ben was Zoe's first boyfriend and Eyeless Jack fell in love with her after loosing his eyesight. Both of them wouldn't hurt her even if their life depended on it." I assured him

"Chad, could you come here? Jack made a mess of the bathroom again and Jeff is coming to visit once he gets rid of his new companion: Sissormouth." Said Rebecca in her perfect soprano¹ voice.

"Master, don't worry. They can't see nor hear you so you can come too. Now, let's go." I spoke softly yet confidently.

After that I couldn't hear a lot cause my "other self" (should I even call him that?!) didn't let me. I did hear something that shocked me to the bones.

"Prevent your death and you'll save your wife. Find the daughter of sin in the grave of her mother before your lover does. If Rebecca fights Zalgo alone, you shall die and she shall pay for it." I started in a serious tone"Rebecca doesn't need to go through this. Also, bring me Zalgo's lover's heart. Give it to me as payment for this nice advice. Now go, your wife and child are worried."I spoke softly.

After that, Slender woke up and Rebecca (alongside with "Handsome Prince Junior" know what? Handsome my ass and I don't show it off!!!) walked into the room wearing huge smiles (except for Junior who was looking at me very strangely).

Maybe fighting for what's right is not that bad in the end.

Seeing this family reunited and seeing Junior this worried about someone makes me feel kind of happy, yet it still bothers me the "Lover's Heart".....

Why would I tell Slender my biggest secret when he "hates" (I don't know if he still does) me?

Sooo.... Ya liked this one?

I'll try to improve myself on writing so keep on reading this book until it comes to an end and if you liked it to the point of repeating it then vote, comment and follow!!!

Bye my little killers and remember...

Slendy out 🔪🔪🔪🔪

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