Jessica & Slenderboy

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(I'm making this chapter a bit more special than most of the previous chapters so I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.)

<<A thousand times the worse, to want thy light!
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books;
But love from love, towards school with heavy books.>>
William Shakespeare
(Romeo and Juliet novel)

~Time skip of nine months~
1. Rebecca

Today was the day I'd give birth to my dearest son, Slenderboy. I've been in this dammed hospital for five hours now with contractions each minute. Slenderman is anxious and he keeps pacing back and forth on the long halls of the hospital.

Another contraction, another shout and another look of worry from Slender. Then I began to breathe a little more calmly until the next contraction hit me and the doctors rushed in.

They checked my pulse and health, then they started with their stupid birth protocol.

1. Kuro

Zalgo didn't want this. I didn't want this. Nobody wants this. I don't know why I'm giving birth to this little girl. Today we were supposed to conquer the world while Slender was busy with his wife, but now I'm stuck here giving birth to my child.

Zalgo was sitting besides me while I gave birth to my child. Each time I was told to push, I did so and grabbed Zalgo's hand even tighter.


I pushed as hard as I could, but the effort seemed in vain. That I thought, until the doctor patted my leg and told me I was done.

I let go of Zalgo's hand and tried to straighten myself up on the bed. Then, I held my hands out to the doctor and spoke softly.

"Can I see her? Can I hold my baby girl?" I said

My voice was worn out from all the shouting and it came out like a raspy voice/almost screamo type.

"Yes you can ma'am. Let me warn you, your daughter can't speak, nor cry."

The doctor's words pierced right through my heart, but I still wanted to hold her in my arms. He then handed me my girl and left the room. Zalgo looked at the girl from beside me and I smiled at him.

"What a beautiful girl, my love. What name shall we put her?" Asked Zalgo

His voice sounded proud. Maybe he wanted the girl after all. Who knew? I looked at him straight in the eyes and smiled.

"Jessica. Her name is Jessica." I said softly

Zalgo smiled and stared at the baby. A lot of questions then popped into my mind. The doctor said she couldn't talk nor speak, what did that mean?

"Zalgo... Why can't our girl speak? She has lips so..." I asked naively

Zalgo sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. I kept looking at our girl and heard him.

"She has seven mouths like myself and our mouths can't be opened until we give "wishes" to people. Her first mouth is the source of her voice and she can't use it until she finds a human and gives away her first "wish"." Zalgo said

Okay... I get it now. That's cool actually. My daughter can't speak until she hands away her wishes to human people.

"You surely are special, my dear Jessica."

1. Slenderman

I am holding my beautiful boy in my peach colored arms while I smiled gingerly at my baby. Rebecca passed out after giving birth to him so it's him and myself.

"You shall be very happy in life and I'll make sure of that. Your mother and I will try to give you the most normal life ever." I said to Slenderboy

Slenderboy had this pure white skin that glowed with light, his eyes were a bright green with silver spots, his hair was short and black and his hands had long little nails. He looked so much like me, but much more like his mother.


I looked towards the bed and saw Rebecca waking up. She had bags under her eyes because of the lack of sleep, but she still looked gorgeous.

"Yes, my dear?"

She smiled and stretched her hands out to me.

"Hand him over Slender. Don't keep him for yourself only!"

I smiled and walked towards her. As I sat down in a chair behind her, she took our baby out of my hands. Slenderboy giggled at the touch of her mother.

"Oh my muffin! You look so much like your dad!"

Slenderboy giggled and squirmed around Rebecca's arms. I looked at both of them in surprise.

"Momma woves chu! Momma welly, welly, woves chu!"

I giggled and chuckled at her tone. She's using this cute motherly tone that is like an anime loli shouting to her senpai.

"You look so adorable..." I whispered

Rebecca looked at me and smiled. Her pale cheeks turning a bit red of embarrassment. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her pale lips.

When we pulled our lips away from each other, I winked at her and she blushed again.

"Thanks for the compliment, Slender..." Said Rebecca

I looked at her and smiled gently. She smile and yawned softly. Rebecca fixed herself for sleep on her bed and kept holding Slenderboy on her sweet, little hands.

I moved my chair closer to her bed and started petting her hair. She yawned again as I kept petting her. Then, in a low whisper, I began to sing to her and to my son.

"Come little children,
I'll take thy away,
Into a land of enchantment.

Come little children,
The times come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.

Follow sweet children,
I'll show thy the way,
Through all the pain and the sorrow.

Weep not poor children,
For life is this way,
Murdering beauty and passion.

Hush now dear children,
It must be this way,
To weary of life and deception.

Rest now my children,
For soon we'll away,
Into the calm and the quiet.

~strange vocalizations~

Come little children,
I'll take the away,
Into a land of enchantment.

Come little children,
The times come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.

~strange vocalizations~

Sleep well my Queen..."

And as I finished the song, she fell in a deep sleep. I decided it wouldn't be fair for her to rest lonely so even though I don't need it, I went to sleep too.

I hope you liked this cheesy chaptah!
I loved to write it and tried my best to make it nice for the public.

The song that Slender sings at the end is "Come little children". I hope you like it cause Slender practiced a lot for this chapter -cough, cough- he almost got killed by Rebecca because he wouldn't sing...

Anyways, I hope you liked it.
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👇vote... Touch the star... -tries to hypnotize you but is an epic fail-
Okay, I surrender.

Bye my little killers!!! 🔪🔪🔪

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