Cursing Swords

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1. Rebecca

The man started to run and I ran after him. It seemed like he was the leader of this little group that we were killing and I wouldn't let him inform the mafia boss, that wouldn't be fun at all.

Rapidly, he opened the fence of the mansion and ran into its front yard, leaving the fence opened on the process. Then, the man stopped and turned around, Katana in hand. He then ran at me with his katana and tried to slice at my chest. I laughed at him and dodged to the right with a simple side step.

"Can't you do better?!" I said mockingly

His eyes showed how angry he got at my comment as he slashed his sword in my direction. I rolled to his side and pulled the trigger of my gun. He then pulled a smaller sword out of his pocket and sliced at my face. Not having time to react, the little sword grazed my cheeks and I took a few steps back.

The blood flowed freely down my cheeks as I gazed intensely at the man in front of me. The man then laughed a bit and smirked.

"Such a waste of a woman... I would have loved to have you as my own for a night."

His comment made my blood boil and I ran at him, shooting several rows of bullets at his side.

*Bang! Bang!*

The bullets came out of my gun as shooting stars in the night sky. Gracefully, the bullets pierced his side and I smiled at my reckless results. Having pierced him while being enraged was a huge accomplishment for his speed with the sword was impressive and I couldn't help but to be proud of myself.

His right hand clutched his injured side in an attempt to stop the blood flow yet it wasn't enough. My magnums had done a beautiful job at giving him a huge pain in his body. Still, even though he was injured, the man continued to fight.

He grabbed his katana with one hand and sliced at me. His movements were slow and reckless, signaling the dizziness caused by blood loss and I took this chance to kick him straight on his chest.

My left leg hit his chest and he was sent of flying towards a nearby fountain. His body looked like that of a puppet without strings being thrown to the bed from a far distance. It looked awesome.

Calmly, I walked towards the now broken fountain to look for the man. By now, Slender and Junior must have finished with the other mafia members so I knew it was time to finish him off.

Every step I took towards him, made the ground beneath my feet burn away into ashes. Then, the wind would blow them away in the blink of an eye. The sight in front of my eyes could be described with one world: merciless. Nobody had mercy with me and with time, I stopped being merciful by my own. This attitude lead to this event in front of me.

The man looked awfully tired and his clothes were full of his own blood. That beautiful black hair that was nicely tied into a low pigtail, was now ruffled and mistreated, pleading for a brush in its eternal silence.

The man tried to push itself up by using his arm and failed greatly. His hands gave up on his weight and he fell on his face, eating a bit of grass on the way. He then slowly looked up upon me and smiled.

"What's your name?"

The sudden question took me by surprise. Who in their sane state of mind would ask for it's killers name?!  Maybe, it was a thing of honor. Maybe it was something personal. I would never know for sure, but I granted his last desire.

"Rebecca Gorgon, Ruler of Gorgonia and Queen of the Gorgon. The daughter of Medusa and Merlin itself. What is your name future corpse?"

The man smiled as he talked. His voice as smooth as melted chocolate going down the human throat. Nobody else could speak as smooth as him. Anything that he would speak must be of extreme importance.

"Onyx, Master of Swords and sworn Samurai of the Lee family. I'm glad to have found someone as tough as you to end my life here, yet as my honor begs me so, I cannot let you have the credits of killing me. Anyways, my swords belong to you and you alone. Farewell and thank you."

Onyx then sat on the ground while his back rested on the broken pieces of the fountain and stabbed himself with his own katana. I muttered to myself what he had accomplished to do to himself.

"Hara... Kiri..."

From the man's lifeless body, a little red light flew towards me. This was the man's soul. The soul of the man smiled at me and then poured himself onto his sword.

"A cursed sword, huh? can't be that bad since I'm already the main target of all bad things within this planet..."

I grabbed the two swords that were left behind by its owner and walked towards the fence where I instantly met with Slenderman and Junior.

"How was your target my dear?" Asked Slender

I smiled and looked at the swords. The katana was on its respective scabbard and the little sword was hidden under my dress. Then I looked at them both and giggled.

"The man was someone that had to be taken seriously. He was hard to deal. Even so, he gave me his swords while cursing them with his soul. Anyone who steals, borrows or gets stabbed nor slashed by it shall be cursed with eternal torture. The persons worst nightmares shall hunt it until the person eventually dies."

Slender nodded and Junior spoke in a excited tone.

"Does the sword have a name mommy? I think that every sword has a name..."

I thought about that. Onyx didn't tell me the name of the sword so I might as well give it one of my own.

"Yes it does. This is the Eternal Cursing Swords of the Fallen Samurai."

Junior jumped in excitement and Slender giggled. I just looked at Junior while I internally face palmed myself.

"What a cool name mom! When will you use it?"

I looked towards the mansion that was still untouched and smirked.

"Right now. Let's go."

I pulled both of my beloveds and ran towards the mansion. My swords shall curse some people tonight and their worst nightmares will come out to play tonight.

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