He comes...

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1. Kuro

Everything has been planned and the end is near. Master Zalgo is making this world his. He will soon crown me his queen and only the thought of it makes me feel selfish and evil. The world will suffer from our wraith and anger. Not even the volcanoes could match the hotness of the flames of Zalgo. Sure enough, I know that my sister will make sure that our plan fails, but I'll be there to end this up once and for all. She wasn't meant to be the proxy, it was all a mistake. How could the snake prophet become the proxy at the same time if their jobs was so different?!

The proxy is supposed to save the world, while the snake prophet was supposed to destroy the hopes of humanity by only using her words. I hope she fulfills her duty as prophet before the proxy. If she ruins hope then saving the world will be of no use and she shall surrender. Everyone in the Z Palace is celebrating for the day is near and...

He comes...

1. Shadowlurker

He comes...
Nobody can stop him...
He comes...
For he is eternal...
He comes...
Can't you feel him...?
He comes...
Who will you blame now...?

Lord Zalgo is ending this world and all of human life within it. Slowly, each one of us have fulfilled our missions, helping Zalgo on the way. We lost a comrade, that I know, but we still made it this far. Surely, we will win this war once and for all.

Since the destruction of Gorgonia, Master has closed himself on his private chambers. I've got the feeling that he's preparing an evil plan in which we shall participate on a glorious way. If that is his purpose, I will serve him again loyally until the end. So, all of you, warn your friends...

He comes...

1. The Rake

I've been watching within the shadows and now I've sensed the signal. Each one of us has been called to accomplish our main goal. We serve our Master, we obey our Master, we please our Master, all without hesitation. We cannot doubt and we're not allowed to betray him. He watches from the shadows of the shadows themselves. Naturally, I feel happy cause this world will soon become ours for the taken and for Master to rule it. Let us all enjoy the show...

He comes...

1. Homicidal Liu

Yes, the day is finally on our reach. The day in which our Master will lead us to victory. Our troops shall march along the lines of war and kill everyone that stands in their way. Oh jolly and glorious day in which I shall make Jeffery pay... Everyone get your hatchets and knifes, shields and swords...

He comes...

1. Scarecrow

Endless nights of fight and torture have finally paid off. The day of the apocalypse is about to come. Our Lord and Master will rule the earth and all of us shall bow down before his mighty power. Kuro sure is a lucky woman, for she gets to be our Queen. But even though she's about to be crowned, she must help us spread the news. Let's run along my little fellas...

He comes...

1. Slenderman

I never thought this day would come. Our world and souls are on the line. The end is near and nobody is prepared for it. We shall try our best to protect our world and we shall destroy Zalgo once and for all...

He comes...

1. Eyeless Jack

We have been training hard for we know the end is near. Powerful sinners come to bestow upon us their great numbers. Within the past milenia, nobody has ever dared to counter Zalgo in his true form, but I shall make a stand against him. Join me in this fight for...

He comes...

1. Jeff the killer

I really don't care what happens to this world. This stupid planet has hurt me in so many ways that I really don't care. Even so, without this world, I wouldn't have victims to take my anger out on. If it weren't for that, I would've stayed watching how this world comes to an end from the shadows.

I grabbed my knife from my bed. The knife I used to kill my family. My hands go down and up the sharp blade, for I had saved it for a special occasion. Then I ran out of my room and met up with Eyeless Jack for training...

He comes...

1. Ticci Toby

I thought we wouldn't make it this far. That day is almost knocking at our door. With all of Rebecca's problems, I thought we would already be done for. Surprisingly, here we are, standing straight up and giving face.

Slowly, I grabbed the hand of my lover as she took one of my hatchets and kissed it. It may be our last battle together and I'll make it a day to remember. Let's prepare ourselves, my beloved Yeika...

He comes...

1. Laughing Jack

I know she can stop him. I know she will. Nobody is as strong as her. Her powerful might and hope will give her the physical strength she needs for this battle. She shall murder Master Zalgo and I'll be there to see it.

I looked to the side and sure enough, on top of my bed, was the object I've been trying to hide for so long. I grabbed my box and walked out of my cabin...

He comes...

1. Rebecca

Each of their voices makes me crazy. There's not been a single second of the day in which I haven't heard those two words that signaled the end of humanity. That day is nearing, I know, but I cannot carry on my duty if they keep putting more weight on my shoulders.

I walked inside of the CP Mansion, by Slenderman's hand and prepared myself for battle...

He comes...

1. Zalgo

I'm coming...
They know it.
I'm coming...
They want it.
I'm coming...
They're scared.
I'm coming...
They're already running.

I swear that this battle shall be one to remember. Nobody shall forget this day. Kuro shall have what she deserves, a kingdom full of hatred and fear. All of you, prepare...

I'm coming!


Sorry guys! I haven't updated recently!! I have been grounded cause of skipping class all day... 😅😅
Anyways, I hope you liked it... 😂

Also, if you aren't one of my killers, follow, vote and comment. Maybe I'll even dedicate you a chapter! 💙💙

That's all, my little killers! 🔪🔪🔪

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