Going Berserk

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1. Rebecca

Running towards the mansion feels eternal when your blood is boiling with killing intent that can't be satisfied. This feeling gets even worse when your swords ask for blood too. With each and every step, the blood lust gets worse and worse. All because of the swords that were now in my possession.

The swords shouted at me and begged for me to feed them. They asked for blood and flesh upon their polished edges of a mouth. Inside of my mind, the swords looked like two giant serpents that were in need of food and I was their feeder.

We kept walking and soon enough we reached the mansion, but I only got to put one foot on the porch and the sound of heart beats came rushing into my ears. All of my senses focused on each and every life inside this mansion.

"Hmm... Two, eight, ten, thirteen, eighteen...twenty-six!" I muttered to myself

Twenty-six person's inside the mansion. All of those people, blood and flesh that will feed my sword. Flesh, blood, organs, bones. Flesh blood, organs, bones...

Feed us... We're hungry...

"Shut up..." I muttered to my swords

If I go berserk, nobody's gonna stop me. Not because they can't, just because I won't let them. My strength is by much far superior to any normal killer that works for Slenderman and for that, I know they won't be able to stop me.

I looked at Slender with pleading eyes while on my insides something snapped.

"I'm sorry Slender..." I muttered to him as my eyes turned completely white and I went berserk.

1. Slenderman

Rebecca ran into the mansion and hunted down each of the persons that were inside of it, not caring of how many people was in. Junior and I just stood there, with our mouths opened wide until we both snapped out of it and ran inside of the mansion too.

Becky had left the door wide open and when we stepped in, we only saw a butchers work. Blood was spilled on the floors and walls, while the owners of it were teared apart. In one case, the head was on a chair close to the door while it's body was on the hall, close to the rooms. Now I think you can imagine the scene before my eyes. It was the prove that when Rebecca goes berserk, there is nobody in this planet that can't stop her.

We slowly walked into what it seemed like a living room. Junior held my hand tightly, but when we entered, he immediately let go. I watched as he ran into blood puddles in the floor and pointed at words that were scribbled in some walls. One of these words piqued my interest: sanity.

This was the one thing that she's currently missing. Why would she write that into a wall? Who is that message addressed to? What is going inside her beautiful head? Who is she now? What has she turned herself to?

We've known each other since a long time ago, more than even she can remember and this is not the woman I fell in love with. This is not Rebecca. This is a woman who's heart lacks of mercy and love towards her own kind, a person that seeks revenge. She is Zoe...

"Daddy... Mom needs us... I can sense it." Said Junior

I nodded and ran down the hall of the mansion which was located at straight ahead of the door. Junior followed right after me. Suddenly, we heard someone pleading and whimpering at one of the rooms.

"Please... I'll do what you want. Our leader is at the second floor. Just... Just let me live, I have kids to feed..."

Then the maniacal voice of my beloved laughed in such a tone that made my skin shiver in fear.

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