The bow of Stone

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1. Slenderman

Becca was stolen from me and by none other than Laughing Jack. I should have fucking burned that stupid jack-in-a-box long ago. Anyways, now I'm stuck in Gorgonia without a clue as for where LJ could have taken my beloved.  My chest felt weird and I felt like a huge wall made of brick was build up on top of it. Everything around me had turned black and white only. My life had no color without her, breathing had no meaning if she wasn't here to purify the air and my heart didn't beat without her to inspire it.

I longed for her touch and begged for her to come back to my arms. It feels eternal to wait alone for your beloved to come back to you, but I'm willing to wait. The gorgons are already on the lookout for we already had fixed the weaponry of the town. Why the weaponry? The town was unprotected and needed weapons to defend themselves. It was totally worth it cause the townsfolk began to work fast on the weapons and then they began to hunt for the kidnapper. What a wonderful town and how nice of them to look for Rebecca.

I ran towards the weaponry and was greeted by the gorgon that tried to protect Rebecca's mother. He smiled at me and I looked down, but walked towards the weapons at display. To my surprise, they had produced various types of weapons in this short amount of time, making my decision even harder. As I looked at the weapons, I noticed that the owner had a special weapon on a glass box, separated for the rest. I got closer and walked towards it. A huge emerald bow with a golden string was inside the glass box.

"You like it, Your Highness?" Asked the owner.

I looked at him, his eyes were focused on the bow and the look on his eyes was saddening. The weapon seemed to be very important to him and I wouldn't like to take that away from him. It would be rude. Then I slowly nodded in a nostalgic way. The man smiled and picked up the glass box on his hands. He then handed it to me, are huge smile plastered on his face.

"You can have it, Your Highness."

The man didn't waited for me to say anything for he crawled to the back of the cash register cabinet and grabbed a Carcaj full of beautiful golden arrows. He then brought them to me and crawled to the cash register cabinet again.

"Why are you giving me this when I don't even know your name?" I asked

He smiled politely. Giving off an aura full of caring and sweetness, it almost felt like the aura of my lover. I walked towards him while pulling the bow out of the glass box.

"That bow was used yesterday... With that bow I tried to protect Medusa.... "

I looked at the man, full of shock. My hands ran up and down the bow, feeling the soft material rubbing against my skin. He then continued to talk.

"The situation you are going through is similar to what I went through yesterday. I know you are a weapon all by yourself (I've seen you lift up a building from pure ash by Merlin's beard!), but maybe you can save someone with it. You will make the bow regain it's former glory, thing I cannot accomplish anymore. Medusa was more of a Queen to me, she was my sister. That's why I want you to have The bow of Stone. It meant a lot to her. She even enchanted it with an unbreakable spell. The weapon will never break and it will only be loyal to its owner, no other person can use it. This will be very useful for you. So please, Your Majesty, keep it."

The man's words got to my heart directly, hitting me like an arrow to the chest. Every word of him made sense. The bow, Medusa, Rebecca... It all made sense now. That's why he's giving me the bow without regretting it.

Slender? Can you hear me?

That soft, melodic voice... Could it be...?

Yes. Slender it's me, Rebecca.

Becca, how are you? Where are you? Who did this?! I'll murder them all!!

Oh Slender... I am okay, but I have no idea of where I am. I can only remember when some clown kidnapped me and brought me here. Now I'm tied up to a chair, feeling hungry, thirsty and tired.

Don't worry, I'll get you. I'll rescue you even if it's the last thing I do. I promise...

Okay... I'll wait for you. I'll fight for my life and I'll give my all to keep on breathing.

As long as you stay alive, my efforts will not be in vain...

And so, her melodic voice left my head to ponder over the lonely space within itself. I kept my gaze in the bow and walked out of the store, carcaj and bow in hand. As I walked along the stone path, I noticed how bright the people looked since we repaired some of the important buildings here. But even though the people were bright, I still felt sad. I needed her to see this, to see what we build together.

"Ahh... How I wish you could see this.." I muttered to myself

Then, I broke into a sprint and began directing my steps into the borderlines of Gorgonia, hoping to find my other half, but as I got closer to the border line, I saw someone I didn't hope to meet again. After all of this years, now I stand face to face with the most disturbing being on this filthy planet.

"It's been a while, Zalgo... "

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