Purgatory Flames

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1. Slenderman

Rebecca closed her eyes and stopped breathing, again. This is the third time I've lost her and I still can't stand this.

I moved her now soulless body to her bed and walked out of her room.

"I'll come and see you later when you recover my love. Aishiteru yo saiai no kimi, sayonara...¹"

I closed the door leading to my lover's room just to hear shouting. The shouting sounded more like a war cry.

My proxy mark then began to burn like never before. It felt like if I had soaked it in pure lava.

Ignoring the pain on my back, I opened the door to my lover's room. As soon as I opened that door, I could only see light and feel fire. The environment of the room felt like the insides of a volcano. Never in my life had I felt something like this.

"So this must be The Flames of Purgatory..." I whispered

As the light subsided, all of her room had lighted up in the flames. Her bed,(that was now empty)had blazed up, the closet was now a pile of ashes and all of her belongings had burned away.

I walked inside of the hellish room. The damage was worse than what I thought. Even the walls of the room were on fire. But, as I kept walking, I heard her talking to me.

"Slender... I'm home!"

I could hear her, but I couldn't see her. My heart beating had grown faster because of the fear. Her voice was distorted, not sweet. It sounded like more than twenty person's talking at the same time through her vocal chords. Her voice was simply diabolical.

"Don't look for me, you'll get tired."

Her voice booming around the room made me feel insecure for the first time ever. This room was supposed to be burned apart a few minutes ago, but it kept standing straight. What the hell has she turned herself into?

"Are you scared? I'm not gonna damage you, I promise..."

Man was I scared?! My wife just died and now she turned herself into a pile of flames. She's also burning down my whole house, the house that Falin worked so hard to do. This is so surprising in so many levels.

"If I calm down the flames, will you come closer?"

I thought about that. The possibilities of her killing me are many and of me surviving? Many too, but I can't risk it...


What the-?! My love for her is stronger than ever now. It's fire burns hotter than ever.

The flames started to die out and Rebecca came to view. She was standing at the far back of her room, holding a baby on her hands.

"Rebecca...? Where did you get our son?"

My voice was full of worry now. I was scared of what she's capable of doing now that she is the proxy.

"The flames seemed to disturb and distract you so I decided to look for Slenderboy and caress him for a while. Slender, I wouldn't hurt our child. I just want revenge on the being that killed me or more like ordered to kill me."

Her tone was dead serious and I knew she was speaking the truth.

As a precaution, I stood three meters away from her, looking at the way she held our son in her arms. Then, I looked closer to her appearance.

Her whole appearance had changed. Long blonde and white hair, silver eyes, popping red veins... All of her had changed. She looked more....fearsome, more sexy for some reason.


Her name came out of my lips as a desperate moan. This new side of her made me wish for her skin even more than before and she seemed to notice this cause she looked at me with those captivating sliver eyes that made me melt in a sea of pleasure.

Out of nowhere, she produced a cradle for the baby and laid him there. Her eyes then locked themselves into me as she walked in my direction.

The way she moved made me feel....excited? Horny? I don't know, but in this moment I wanted to give my son a sister or brother...


My name, a moan that escaped her little lips. Then piece by piece, her clothes fell to the floor. Shirt.... Skirt.... White C cup bras... White medium sized boy shorts....

"Slender... I can't let you die..."

She then pushed me into a cage made of Purgatory Flames. I couldn't  touch the bars of the cage for it would burn my skin to the grade of leaving bare bones on my hands.

"Please... Don't do this to me..."

My pleads served of nothing for she wished to protect me till the end.

"Slenderman, I do this for your own good. You have protected me for far too long and now it's my turn to return the favor."

She then turned around and looked at our son. Her lips formed a beautiful smile, a smile that I hadn't seen in a while.

"Wanna see a trick Slender?"

I started blankly at her, waiting for something tragic to happen.

"Baby boy, show momma that growing spell we practiced."

Slenderboy then giggled as he grew in size and age. His whole body stretched like gum as he grew bigger and in a few minutes he grew as tall as a eight year kid, yet I knew that he was as powerful as myself.

"Junior, let's get revenge, shall we?"

Slenderboy nodded and smiled.

"Let's take daddy along too!!!"

I got my hopes up and waited for his mother to make a move, which she did. She broke the cage with a punch.

The cage shattered and turned into smoke, then it vanished. Rebecca then dressed herself in a black dress with white stripes and decorated her head with a nice black and white hat. Some black heels decorated her legs along with some gloves on her slender hands.

She, then grabbed Junior's hand as she did the same with mine and seconds later, she broke into a full sprint.

"Let's kick them butts!!!" Shouted an excited Slenderboy


I'm almost reaching the end of the story dudes!!! Spoiler! Someone's gonna die!!!

Anyways, the phrase that I marked in italic means "I love you my love, bye/goodbye." That phrase means a lot to me because someone that I used to know taught me that a while back.

Well... Now that I got this done for, I shall be going...

Bye my little killers!! 🔪🔪🔪

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