A cute puppet!

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1. Zalgo
Here we were, in a forest close to the borderlines. This reminded me of the past so much...oh my, such times. Slenderman was a cold and respectful man and was very obedient under my orders, but now? He's just a softie of what he used to be. Love made us weak, but I'm still stronger than him. I'll prove it...

"It's been a while, Zalgo... "

I smile at his remark. It's funny to see Slenderman after so much time. Also, his girlfriend is not with him so I suppose that she got herself into trouble again. What?! I didn't do anything to her if that's what you're thinking!! Ugh... People like you makes me barf...!!

Going to where I was (before you pissed me off little reader...), I gently positioned my hand for a handshake, but Slender neglected. I fake pouted and I tried to handshake him again. He did shake my hand and I smirked evilly.

"You're still as obedient as ever, Slenderman. I'm curious as to know... Where is the proxy?"

Slenderman giggled. He thinks he's smart enough to overcome me?! Ha! I would love to see him try. I just wanna help (and maybe kill the proxy if I find her first), but either way I wanna help.

"That's none of your business Zalgo... Stop asking questions and give me answers... Where do you keep her?"

His tone was defiant and worthy of his power, but it was not worth of my liking. This little bacteria thinks he can defy something from me! I work for nobody and I don't follow orders. I make my own rules. I am chaos after all.

"I wouldn't gain anything for kidnapping her. Kuro has business with her, not me."

I was being sincere, but sarcastic at the same time. Wait... What is that object he carries over his back? Is that a bow? I leaned closer, filling myself with questions. Suddenly, Slender slipped off the bow and took an arrow from the carcaj. He then positioned the arrow on the bow and pointed at me.

The bow shined with an unnatural glow and the arrow was made for piercings even the most hard of skins. Two of those arrows were used to hurt my dear Kuro while she was in Gorgonia yesterday. Could he be the one who hurt her? If he was, he will pay.

"Where did you get that bow?" I ask

He moved his position and prepared to shoot at me. Then again, he wanted to kill me when I'm only asking! What is wrong with him... And you!! Yes, I am talking to you, dear read- I mean demon...

"That. Is. None. Of. Your. Business."

"Awe... Is Slender afraid of me stealing that little jewel from him?"

"No... I just want her back!"

He then shoot his arrow at me, hitting me on my left knee. For the first time ever, I felt pain and I was bleeding profusely. This bow... This arrow... No way! A weapon capable of killing an eternal entity? This... This is amazing!

"Give. Her. Back!"

He took the arrow off my knee and pierced my other knee. I whimpered, but never shouted or cried. Through clenched teeth I cursed at him with the most filthy words you could imagine. Then, for making matters worse, he kept piercing my body. My shoulders, knees, ankles and elbows were pierced. I couldn't move and if I tried, the pain worsened. It was horrible.

"I told you to give her back!" Slender demanded

"I don't have her!!" I shouted to him

"You're lying!"

He stabbed me on my arm. He stabbed me on my leg. He wanted answers I didn't have. I just wanted for him to stop. Then someone shouted my name, making things worse...

"Lord Zalgo! My love!"

Kuro must have followed me on my way here. When she saw me, she went to her knees and hugged my bleeding body close to her chest. Kuro cradled me and cried on top of me, but while she did this, my wounds were recovering. She saved my life...

"You monster! Look what you did to him!!" Kuro shouted at Slender

Slender got tense and I looked at Kuro with love in my eyes. She kept cradling me in such a way, that it made me feel loved and cared. I looked at Slender and smirked.

"I'll see you in Hell, you bitch..."

Then I blinked out to the Z Palace so Kuro could take care of me. See?! I told you I'm not the bad one my little demon...!!

1. Rebecca

My head was pounding and everything was black even after I blinked my eyes repeatedly. I came to the conclusion that I had something black colored covering my head. I heard giggling and I grew curious. When I tried to move my hands or feet, I felt rope tied around them. Then he talked to me...

"Oh what a marvelous puppet you'll make! And trust me, I choose just a handful of puppets cause sometimes I get hungry and... Oh well... I eat them, but with you.... My Zalgo... I'll make a masterpiece cause you're immortal!" The voice said

I tilted my head to the side, but then I started to feel hands over my body.

"Such perfect curves, perfect cups... My my.... You are perfect.... "

Okay... He's really pissing me off. His hands were running all over my body, grabbing and touching parts that nobody had ever touched. My skin shivered and felt cold all of the sudden. Then I noticed that I was naked too. This guy was a total pervert.

"Oh! Oh my Zalgo! Girl you're a boom of a woman! You give me the orgasms... " The guy moaned

The ropes around me were untied, but I couldn't move. The guy then slipped some clothes on me and tied some strings around my wrists and ankles.

"If you could see yourself now... Oh wait! I almost forgot!"

He then took the bag covering my head and moved me in front of a mirror. I froze at the view. I was....a puppet...

Picture in the top is how I imagine Rebecca as a puppet.

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