Four letters in black ink

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Location: Z Palace
1. Zalgo

My dear Kuro and her trustworthy companions have accomplished a mission. I had rewarded Shadowlurker and Liu, but I had something special for Kuro.

As I sat besides her on my bed, I traced a line from her jawline to her collarbone, admiring her beauty. She giggled and my hands trembled at the sound of it. Then, I grabbed her hands and kissed them. She blushed, but nonetheless, she looked gorgeous.

"Is there something wrong, my Lord of Chaos?" Asked Kuro

Her sweet tone made me sigh in happiness. Not even the names that mortals have used to insult me for milenia, bother me coming from her mouth. I shook my head and smiled at her.

"Thinking about something..." I said

She tilted her head and looked sternly at me. Shit... She's not gonna give up easily. Should I tell her that I want to have sexual relations with her? Nah.. Let her find it out herself. I'm the King here, after all. I giggled at my remark and looked at her.

"Zalgo... Don't tell me that you want that again... My love, I have both of my legs broken, I can't do anything..."

My heart sunk. I'm a Lord and my Queen must be prepared to please me in all ways. This kinda sucks. It's not fair that Kuro doesn't want that only cause she has broken legs. What can I do to get what I want?...

Then it got me. Duh... I can do almost everything. I slowly grabbed her legs and pulled them to the bed. Afterwards, I moved my hands on top of her wounds and started fixing her up.

"This is gonna hurt a little, so I hope you can hold up the pain."

Sure enough, when my hands had black lines over them and I started fixing her up, she started crying. Told her... Anyways, she screamed and cried softly on the bed as she wiggled in my sheets. Never in my non ending life I had felt pity for someone, yet here I am, fixing up someone out of pity and four letters (love).

When I finished fixing her legs, she rolled off the bed and fell on top on me. I groaned at her and she laughed nervously. Then, she slowly stood up and flashed a big, wide smile at me.

"I can walk!"

I looked at her, proud of myself and she hugged me. She laughed into my chest and clawed at my back. Now it came the part where I ask for a reward.

"Can we do that now? You have no excuse."

She then looked at me and her smile was replaced with a frown. I got a bit nervous and held my right hand against my chest. The frown was replaced with a ginger smile and a nod. I got extremely happy and grabbed her by her waist. Then I threw her to my bed and kept on with the fun.

This was going to be a nice night. A very nice night.

Location: Gorgonia Ruins
1. Slenderman

My lover was proclaimed queen and I felt utterly shocked. I'm not good enough for her. She needs a king by her side, a brave one at that. To my relief, she walked towards me and surprised me.

"In front of my people, I hereby inform that Slenderman is my future husband. Because of this, treat him nicely and welcome him. Also, let's bring glory to our kingdom again, let's rebuild this up!"

The gorgon clapped and whistled in excitement. I felt proud of Becky. Then she moved on to a building and started cleaning up the debris. I grabbed some bricks that had fallen off a building and shoved them aside.

Everyone did the same as us, but Becky then ran off somewhere. I tried to follow her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Leaving the thought of my lost lover aside, I walked back and kept helping the gorgon.

1. Rebecca

I had this sudden feeling that I was being watched, that I ran off. Slender tried to catch up, but I hid behind a boulder so he couldn't find me. My heart raced in my chest and I kept feeling that someone was watching me. As I cradled myself to see if I could calm down, I heard a thump.

I sniffed the air to see if I could sense anyone close to me, but I couldn't sense a thing. Again, another thump was heard. My nerves were going crazy and my heart raced, making me hyperventilate. The thumps came closer and closer, like footsteps. From what I could hear, the person was slightly heavy. Something was odd. Suddenly, a melody was played...

"Not again... Damn I hate when I'm right." I whispered to myself.

The renowned melody of "Pop goes the weasel" played around me. Suffocating my ears in its melody. Unconsciously, I began so sing the song.

"All around the mulberry bush,
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey though that all was in fun,
Pop goes the weasel!"

Rebecca stop singing! Don't sing!

Slender shouted inside my head, but I couldn't obey. I wanted, but the song got me hypnotized. Slender, make it stop! Please! I don't know what's going on!

"...The monkey though that all was in fun...

A shadowy figure came out from behind another pile of rocks and debris. It looked like a clown with a cone like nose. On his arms, he carried a Jack in a Box. I looked at the toy and then at the man. His black hair covered his pale face with evil intentions. Even so, I kept singing the song. The man then snapped his fingers and I came to a stop. Afterwards, he spoke to me. Are soft, yet raspy voice came out of him, making my skin shiver, making my heart throb at the sound of it.

"You sing wonderful, Rebecca. Nearly hypnotized me there." Said the man

Then he walked around me in circles as he looked at me from top to bottom. He bit his lips and moved his hands from time to time. He also traced lines on my body, signaling his attraction to me.

"How can that pale good for nothing of Slender have a girlfriend like you? He's no worthy of a Queen like you." The being said

He than grabbed me by my waist and ran off with me, only leaving a note behind:


Slender... Help me my king, my killer, my love and one and only. I repeated myself those words and he answered, afraid and scared:

I'll save you, I promise. As long as you keep thinking, I'll find you! As long as you're alive, I'll find you. As long as I live, I'll find you (I'm immortal).

He kept saying the same words over and over, trying to comfort me, but it didn't work. I felt useless in the hands of the clown. Please, just be okay. I'll find a way out of this Slender...

I then closed my eyes as the ruins of my hometown were left behind to become a blurry imagine to my eyes. What else could be worse? I'm already kidnapped...

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