A little nightmare from me to you

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1. Rebecca

I was walking in a dim lighted alley. Not a person could be seen in sight. They were two buildings surrounding me and all of their lights were shut off. The building to my left was peach color while the one on my right was black and red. The left one was a liquor store and the right one was a discotheque. None of them were of my interest.

I walked further down the alley and saw movement in between the shadows. Slowly, I reached my hands towards my hoodie pockets and caressed the twin guns that were inside of it. My sweet twin guns, two magnum revolvers that I have with me since I was fifteen.

The movement continued as I walked closer to the alley exit and I knew that the person or thing that was moving in the shadows is now behind me. No, I didn't turn around... I ran. After I had managed to acquire a nice distance between that thing behind me, I turned around and ran backwards.

The thing that was behind me was Slenderman, but his body looked torn apart. Scared of what had happened to him, I ran towards him.

He, then raised an arm towards my position and pointed at something behind me. I didn't have time to turn around as my left side got his by whatever was behind me.

My body rolled to the right of the alley entrance as Slender ran to me. I tried to stand up, but I came up coughing blood instead.

"That hit to my side must have broken a rib and that must have pierced my lung... Fuck!" I muttered under my breath

I moved my head to the left and saw what Slender tried to warn me of. A being that was about ten feet tall was looking at me with hunger on his eyes. It's skin was as black as the night yet under the light was as red as blood. Two horns protruded from its forehead and his smile was full of evil.

Slender tried to keep the being back, but his body was destroyed physically. His left arm was dangling from his side and he also had his right knee broken. His face was covered in blood and bruised. How in the world would I let him fight?!

I managed to stand up straight and pulled out my twin guns. The twin magnums shined with the moonlight. Slender looked at me, pity was present on his eyes and cried.

"Please... Don't do this Slender..." I muttered between sniffs

Slender limped towards me, but fell to its knees half way. The being kept looking at us in amusement, like a mad scientist looking at its pets.

Ignoring the creature's looks, I ran towards Slender (guns in hands) and kneeled down besides him.

"You can't leave me. Not now, our son needs you..." I whispered to him

Slender looked up at me and smiled. Slowly, he began to stand up and regained his balance. He clutched both of my hands in his and caressed my guns.

"That being is Zalgo... You must defeat him at all cost." Slender said

His eyes showed concern yet his voice showed confidence and faith. Then, he moved to my right and smiled at me.

Zalgo kept looking at us as rats and I felt slightly offended by that. Again, I aimed my guns at him and fired.

"Left, right; right, left. Right left; left right." I muttered to myself

I fired my guns following the pattern I muttered over and over again to myself.

Zalgo didn't liked the taste of bullets as he ran towards me with killing intent. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I ran backwards as I kept firing at his ugly face.

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