Trip to Gorgonia

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1. Slenderman

Everything between Becky and me has escalated quickly to the point of her being my "gfwnt" (girlfriend with no title). I know that if I formally ask her to be my girlfriend, she would do it, but I have planned a specific day for that.

Now I was packing up clothes and stuff for our trip. Ben had bought this strange clothes for me because of my human form. He called them "emo clothes". Skinny jeans, shirts with famous bands, spiked belt, a beanie, some converse shoes and a chain that goes around my left side of the hip, buckled up in my jeans. I had tested them out in front of Becky and she went all "fan-girl" about it.

Now I was dressed that way. Becky liked how it looked on me. Maybe it's because of the hair. This long silver hair that's given me a lot of problems. Washing it is a headache. Oh my gosh! And when it's sticks to the face and neck?! Ugh!! It's like hell.... Sometimes I miss my old self, but now that I can see with my own eyes, I don't wanna go back.

We had already packed by 3pm. Ben had "borrowed" a car. A beautiful one, I must admit. A 2017 Mustang GT, whose color was black with green stripes. The seats were covered in crocodile skin and it had a nice sound system.

Becca moved her bags to the back seat and I did so too. We both sat on the front seats, me being the driver. As soon as she had buckled up her seatbelt, I started the engine and drove off. Leaving the CP Mansion behind, leaving all of my friends behind, leaving my life behind.

1. Rebecca

Slender looks a bit blue. He's leaving a lot behind, so maybe he's starting to get home sick. I wonder what going through his mind.

I moved my hand to the back seat and looked for the book. My hand touched clothes, weapons and shortly after, the book. I grabbed it firmly with both of my hands and shoved it to the front seat. My eyes ran through the pages, looking for something I could use to have mind contact with him.

"Fire spell, Ice spell, Reborn of the dead, Ghost view.... Bingo!" I mumbled to myself

Telepathy Contact:

This spell will let you and the person you mention have mental contact. Once you say the spell, you won't need to repeat it. It will stay for as long as you two live. If one dies, the other person's soul will be attached to the living ones.

Recite the spell...
"Hek mikte kaw bomi. Veyr mailit ye milikai maguá lihg ophaios."

I did as the book told me and I couldn't sense a thing. I thought that maybe I spoke it wrong. The Gorgon Native Language is hard to recite...

Then I heard a faint voice in my head...

I left everyone behind. How will they maintain themselves in order without me? Will they be alright? I hope so. EJ is in charge, but maybe I should have stayed... They are like my sons and daughters. Even though I left home, I feel happy. Rebecca is beside me and I'm happy for that. I wish to tell her what I feel.... Tell her that I love her, but I can't. At least not until this is over. She must fulfill her mission. This is no time for love.

He... He loves me... He really loves me. I can't believe it! I thought that he didn't, that it was all a game! But, he loves me. Oh how I wish to tell him what I feel!! To shout to the world that I love him! That he's mine! But, then again, he's right. I must end this and later we can talk about love.

"Did you say something Becca?"

I snapped out of it and smiled shyly at Slender. He must have heard me thinking. I giggled a bit and looked at him.

We had stopped at a gas stations to fuel the car. He was now looking at my green eyes with a smile on his face.

"What did you do, Becca?"

I looked away and rolled my eyes. Should I tell him or not? I giggled playfully at him and cupped his face in my hands.

"I used telepathy and bonded our minds."

He opened his eyes. The size scaring my soul away. I took the chance of his shock and kissed him. I loved him. It doesn't matter that he's Slenderman, it doesn't matter that he's the leader of the creepypasta, it doesn't matter that he's a serial killer and kidnapper, I love him. I want to die by his side. I wanna be his snake queen....

He deepened the kiss, as if knowing what I was thinking. I moved my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I didn't want this to stop. My lover pulled away and looked at me with those gorgeous grey orbs. I pecked his forehead and blushed hard. I bet I look like a tomato...

"It's surprising that you can use telepathy to read minds. That bond helped us both. You can hear my thoughts and I can hear yours."

If it's true then I want you to prove it. Would you be my boyfriend, Slenderman? Would you make me happy for the rest of my days? Would you let me protect you and everyone else in the mansion?

I saw him blush like a maniac and I giggled. That's enough prove my love, but I want you to answer.

"Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend. Yes. I will make you happy forever. I don't want you to protect me nor the creepy pastas, but I would like for us to protect each other and to protect the mansion together."

I hugged him tight. I whispered that I love him to his ear, gaining a groan in response. He pulled away and started the engine. The tank was full, our hearts were flying and I was more excited than ever to go home. We are almost there.

I'm going back to where it all began...

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