Instead of black, purple

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1. Slenderman

Recently, Rebecca decided to train with her proxy powers instead of her normal ones.

Let me say that training a snake woman to use her arms to invoke her powers wasn't a very clever idea. She looked like Naruto when she moved her hands...or was it the air bender from Avatar? Never mind that now. Point is that she looked funny.

What intrigued me from her training was that instead of having a black aura when invoking the flame like markings on her arms, she had it purple. Her fist turned purple when using her proxy powers, yet when she fused her arms together, they turn pitch black. It's kinda scary...


"Oh my gosh, Slender I'm so sorry!!!"

And... It seems that I got used like a punching bag. Doesn't surprise me though.

Rebecca used her fists together again and did a dragon fist against my heart and torso, but I was distracted and got hit. The power of her punch was enough to send me flying to the other side of the woods, but there she was waiting for me and caught me before I could hit a nearby Sequoya.

"Honey are you okay? Slender answer me!!"

My head was spinning and I could only mutter nonsense, like in this case for example.

"Purple fists of power, hit me on the head and hurts much.....Powerful headache..... "

Rebecca giggled and I kept talking.

"Keep fist away from heads.... Purple... Black...."

My eyes were closing slowly and on my last moments, I saw two pink hands soothing my "boo-boo" (yes I know this is very childish, but it suits my hallucinating self). Then, I closed my eyes completely and welcomed the state of unconsciousness.

1. Rebecca

I hit Slender by accident and now he's unconscious. I took a look at him cause I've never gotten enough time to look at him like I used to. Sadly, I noticed the bags under his eyes and some wrinkles on his cheeks. He looked older than when I met him and I asked myself if it was my fault.

Slowly, I reached my hands to his head and moved him so he would lay on my lap. Then, I used my left hand to caress his face while I spoke to him in a soft voice.

"You're aging, my love. You look more older than you used to. I wonder why is this happening. Is it because of this bond? Maybe if I rip out the mark, I could stop you from aging up."

I breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, trying to fight the urge of crying again. Then spoke, still in a soft voice.

"If you knew how much I would give for you, to save you, you would look at me with different eyes. Now, we may act as a couple, but being honest, nobody would love me. I don't even know why are you married to this being here.

Each time I look at this ring on my left hand, I wonder. What did you see in me that made you take this decision? I'm not that good looking nor I'm a nice person. Just look at me! I live with a bunch of supernatural beings, pretending that my life is fucking normal when it's not!

You should have stayed away from me when we first saw each other, when you stole my heart away. Not only would you have been better, but I myself would have been able to try to have a normal life. Even though I didn't like this life at first, with you here, I love it. I love waking up to see your grey eyes and that gorgeous silver hair that makes you look like an emo. I really love you and I hope you love me too."

With each word I spoke, I took out every feeling and thought that I've had throughout this entire time. Most of them questioning Slender as for why he took me in his arms and gave me this wonderful life.

I raised my head and looked at the horizon, then at my hands.

"Purple instead of black...."

I just muttered that phrase and looked at Slender who was moving his lips and talking in a low whisper.

"Jessica.... Is Kuro's daughter..... Don't kill her love...... Adopt her..... She' Zalgo won't...notice...."

Was he....hallucinating? Dafuq?!

"Zoe....if you could see....the man I've would've been.....very proud...."

And he keeps talking in his sleep... Oh boy...

I decided it was a good thing to take him home by teleporting and I did so.

Slender and myself glitched and appeared in our room (more like his cause I burned mine a few weeks ago on the mansion). There, I laid him on the bed and pecked his forehead while covering his body with some sheets.

*knock, knock*

I looked at the door and with a wave of my hands, it opened itself. Standing on the door frame stood someone I knew since hundreds of years ago.

" that really you?"

Ben looked at me puzzled and I shook my head. Then, I walked up to him and talked again.

"I'm Zoe.... Ben, don't you recognize me?"

My voice sounded hurt and sad when I asked that. Seconds later, Ben's eyes grew wide with surprise and hugged me. Bloody tears landed on my shirt as he spoke to me sad and broken.

"Zoe? Oh my.... It's been so long since I last saw you.... I thought I lost you in that accident all of those years ago."

I hugged him tight, knowing that this was bond to happen. Ben and I know each other since I was a little girl. We were a couple back then, but when I died on my first life, he thought he lost me. I'm so glad he still remembers me. I have so much to say to him!

Ben pulled away from me and looked inside the room, then looked at me.

"So you're Slenderman's wife.... The mother of Slenderboy, right?"

I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back and reached his right hand to my face. His little fingers gently touched my face and wiped some tears I didn't knew I had.

"Don't cry Zoe. I'm glad you're okay. Just...remember that if you're happy, I'm happy. Also, I take it you already met Jack again, right?"

I nodded.

"Yes. Actually, he sniffed me out and recognized me. When Jane cut my neck wide open, Jack took me to the hospital. There we talked again and he confessed to me.... Here, let me show you some prove..."

I moved to my desk and rummaged through it. Lucky me, I found what I was looking for inside a box that was marked with a big "X". What was it? Jack's mask!

I slipped it on and walked towards Ben. When he looked at me and noticed the genuine mask on my face, he smiled. Pointing at me, he talked.

"Is that really his mask?"

I nodded and smiled below the mask.

"The one and only. I stayed with it after I got out of the hospital and never gave it back. Jack didn't need it after all, he had another one below his bed, just in case this happens."

He nodded and I sighed in content.

"I'm just glad you remembered me after all of this year's, Ben...."

It was good to know that my first "boyfriend" (I didn't knew what that was when I was a kid) still remembers me after I passed away. It's good to be home.

Hey, my dudes!!!
Nice twist here, right? Zoe met Ben and Jack when she was a kid...

Don't worry, my killers. All of this will be explained on Rebecca's story when it's released. Then you'll understand a lot of things that have been happening here. I'll explain enough here to make you understand what is happening here, okay? Yes? Okay!

Love y'all mah Killah!!! 🔪🔪🔪

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