Strange Bond

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1. Rebecca

I kept running through the halls. People looked at me and flinched in disgust. I really didn't care. Slender was waiting for me now. I hope I find the way out of the hospital...

1. Slenderman

I've been called by Smiley a few minutes ago to come and pick up Becca. I want to hug her so badly....

Wait.... WTF?! I'm not supposed to have feelings! She's only the gorgon princess and I'm supposed to teach her magic and I'm supposed to train her for the final battle. Zalgo won't hold back much longer. Slender, you must be prepared for loosing the person that gave you a heart.

I have to help her. If I loose her... I-I won't be able to stand it. I would completely loose my mind. Or maybe what's left of it.

My inner thoughts were interrupted by a loud giggle and laughter. I recognized those anywhere. When I tried to turn around to see who's laughter brought me joy, I got hugged and tackled by her. She kept laughing and giggling as she hugged me.

"Slender baby! I missed you so much!" Becca shouted

I looked at her and rested my head on hers. I felt relieved that she can talk. I can hear her beautiful voice that hypnotized everyone who heard it.

"You can talk!" I said with excitement

She nodded her head fast and sure. I held her bridal style on my clawed hands and started climbing up the hospital. She 'whooed' and giggled as I went up. Once I reached the top of the hospital, she looked down upon the ground and she screamed in utter joy.

"OMG! The view is amazing. You see things from this height all of the time?" She asked while looking at me.

I nodded and she hugged me. Her heart beating fast and hard. Even I could hear it.

"Wanna go home now?" I asked

She nodded and then put on... EJ's mask? How did she...? Oh well, it's Rebecca were talking about. She gets whatever she wants. Damn... She's worse than me.

I picked "masked Becca" and teleport back home to the mansion where everyone received her warmly. She's always welcome. She only greeted everyone and got up to her room. Maybe she was tired, but I went anyways and talked to her.

2. Rebecca

I want to build a robot. I'm good at science and I have worked with human insides so I guess this is not so different. I kept thinking until...

*knock, knock*

I walked and opened the door to see Slender. He had a flower bouquet on his hand.

"Welcome home my snake queen." Said Slenderman

I looked at the bouquet. Black roses were tied up with a green bow. The shade of green that the bow had, matched my eyes. I loved the detail.

"Thanks Slender. It wasn't necessary."

He gave me a huge hug and then he teleport me to the library. Slender went up to a bookshelf that was neatly clean and he pulled a book from it. The book was huge and red with black spots on it. Slender then leaned over to me and gave the book to me.

"This is a very important book. It shall help you on your quest."

I looked at the book. The book's title was "Secrets of Stone: Gorgon Occultism". Below the title, the book had the same symbol that I had on my back. Slowly, I reached a hand to the book and caressed the symbol.

A strange sensation developed through all of my back. It burned. It kept burning and I screamed at the top of my lounges. Slender ran towards my side and hugged me close to him. I kept screaming cause it burned.

"Make it stop! Itai! Slender!" I screamed in pain

My body trembled and my back burned. My eyes were full of water, yet I didn't let them fall down. Slender kept shaking me and begging me to not close my eyes, but I felt tired of so much pain. I wanted to close my eyes, but Slender wouldn't let me.

"This is a test, you must overcome it. Don't leave me alone." Slender said

I looked at my hands and noticed that they weren't scaled anymore. I gasped and looked at Slender. Fear being mostly present on my eyes.

"S-Slender...? What's... What's happening to me?" I asked scared.

He sobbed my face and I saw some black oil falling down his face. I noticed that he was crying. This is not good...

Slender screeched loudly and I covered my ears. It got louder and louder with each passing second. My scales falling off, my back burned and my ears were about to explode. Then I noticed that his back was on fire too.

"Slender! Your back!"

He kept screeching and I shouted. EJ ran into the room accompanied by other creepy pastas. LJ and Jeff held me in their hands while they moved some ice cubes around my burning back. Slender had stopped screeching as we both felt better. Finally, our pain stopped and Slender wrapped his tentacles around me cause I no longer had scales that cover my naked body.

Slender then hugged me and I hugged him back while taking a peek over his shoulders to see what damage was done to his back. To my surprise, he had the same symbol that I have.

"S-S... Slender?"

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me. My body trembled cause I was scared and worried for him.

"What is it Becca?"

"Why do you have the same mark as I on your back?"

He searched himself in shock until he found the mark and shouted in surprise. I jumped a little bit cause of his sudden reaction.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Slender shouted

Then I looked around me cause he had this mark on his chest. A huge "O" with a crossed "X". I searched on the common areas first. Nope, not on my feet. Nope, not on my arms....


I saw the mark on my hip. Right side of my hip, to be exact. Slender looked at me and softly touched the mark.

"You have the proxy mark...and the Gorgon mark... How? Did we actually made a bond?" Slender thought aloud

Bond? Proxy mark? I didn't understand anything. I felt so confused that I only took the book and walked away from the library. Scared of what's going on. I don't want to live in the dark.

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