The Ruins

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1. Rebecca

We have been driving for hours non stop and I had fallen asleep like ten times, but we finally made it. I was in Gorgonia. To my surprise, the city was destroyed. Everything was devastated. Only the ruins remain. It was hard to comprehend how this was possible when this city had billions or trillions of gorgon people guarding it. Destroying it was nearly impossible, but I'm looking at it with my own eyes. Shock made its way through my veins and my heart could be heard from meters away. Slowly, I reached for Slenderman's hand, holding it tight and never loosing my grip.

Then, I started to hear faint chanting. As it continued to chant, it's volume increased, making my head throb in pain. I had to let go of Slender and grab my ears. The chanting kept going on, it's seemed to have no end. My legs trembled and gave up easily, making me fall on my knees. Slender looked worried and hugged me tight. He said something, but the chanting hid his voice behind theirs. He even seemed to shout, but I only heard him whisper. My head hurt and a lot and my eyes were closing, preparing for a fade out. Slenderman started cradling me, but behind him I saw someone else.

"Give us back the princess. She belongs to us." They said

Slender stood up and slowly laid me on the floor. Then he started fighting all of those people that wanted to take me away. One of them, came close to me and looked straight at my eyes. It's skin was green and scaled like mine used to be, eyes without eyelids, bifid tongue...then it clicked me...

"Slender stop!!" I shouted weakly

Slender stopped and walked towards me. His hands shoving away the gorgon besides me. I moved my hand and sobbed his fury red cheeks. Even his eyes had changed colors. They were not gray, they were black. I slowly made my right hand reach for his left and intertwine our fingers in a lovely grab. Then, his eyes turned grey. Good, he was calmed down.

The chanting had stopped and my head was better. My vision had become clearer and I stood up besides Slenderman. My people, my town, they were alright. Boy am I glad!

One of the gorgon took a step forward and bowed to me. I put a hand on his chin and pulled him up, making him stand again.

"There is no need in bowing, my men. What happened to this town when Queen Medusa abandoned us?"

He seemed tense to talk about it and so was the townsfolk. I looked at the man before me and asked again, a little bit rougher this time. He was taken aback, for what I saw. Then, he slowly talk, hesitating, but he talked anyways.

"When Queen Medusa died..."


It was a sunny day. Perfect for going hunting. Queen Medusa had greeted us all while passing through town. Such a humble Queen.

As I walked through the woods, finding a decent pray to hunt, I heard sounds and fainted voices. My hunting was pushed to the back of my head, spying was on the front now. I crawled on the rich soil below my long tail and followed the voices. Sure enough, I found what I was looking for.

I hid behind the bushes, close to a tree and overheard the conversation.

"We need to do this perfectly. You know what will happen if we fail."

By the high pitched voice, I could tell that the voice belong to a girl. Maybe on her 19's or 20's, even younger. But, what was she talking about? Do what? I leaned a bit closer and heard the conversation again.

"Yes. I know, but you remember that Master Zalgo doesn't like to be involved with Slender duty. If he appears, we retreat. Okay?"

That sounded like a man. In its 20's, more or less. This was a couple and they were planning to do something sinister by the way they're talking. This is not good. Who are they anyways?!

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