《 Runaways 》

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Michael and Calums relationship is a secret from their families but one day they find out and Calum just wants to run a way.
Michael is 19
Calum is 16
Michaels POV

"Cal are you crazy!?"

Calum let out the truth to his parents and his parents told mine. They think we are a disgrace and that we don't deserve to live. All that bullshit.

"Mikey I'm so sorry" he whispers. He's sitting on my bed with his head in his hands. While I'm standing up and walking around fuming with anger.

"Calum what are we gonna do now!?" I scream "your parents fucking kicked you out and any minute now mine will do the same!"
I know I shouldn't be this mad. I know he didn't mean to. And I know I'm just making this all worst.

I know.

He looks so scared. He's shaking and sobbing in his hands. "Cal I'm sorry" i finally say.

I sit next to him and wrap my arms around him. He shakes his head. "This is all my-my fault Mikey." He whispers. "I'm sorry, if I just would've stayed quiet and-"

"Babe stop" I say and kiss his head.

"Let's run a way" He says and looks me in the eye. "Baby you're only 16" he looks down and frowns.

"I know but Michael we aren't excepted here" he said. "If we leave, an never turn around, thing can change. We can change"

"What about school?"

"I can transfer"

"What about money? Cal were broke"

"I have a savings account I can get into"



I sigh and look over to my door and I hear footsteps. "Dammit"

"Michael Gordon Clifford!"
I get up and put Calum behind me and holds his hand. My dad barges through the door and comes at me. "What is this huh!?"

I can feel Calum shaking behind me and I grab his hand. "Dad list-"

He slaps me. My own fucking father slaps me. I fall to the ground and stay there before getting up and glaring at him. "I will not have a disgrace in my home!" He yells "I want you gone in 10 minutes!"

"Where are we supposed to go!?" I yell.

"Anywhere but here!" He walks out and I sit on my bed with my head in my hands.

"Just- just stop" I whisper, trying to process what all just happened. "Let's pack" I get up and violently throw things in a bag. "Mikey please calm down" Calum says.

And I lost it.

"How the fuck am I supposed to calm down Calum?!" I scream "my own god damn father is diss owning me. I have no job, I fucking dropped out of school, hell youre still in school Calum! All I have is a car. A fucking car." He walks over to me and wrap his arms around me. "Babe please stop yelling." I sigh and bury my face in his neck.

"I just- I don't know what to do" he rubs my back and I kiss his neck softly. "We'll figure it all out love, I promise you that" I pull away and kiss his lips

"I love you, you know that?" He smiles and kisses me again.

"I think you've told me that a few times" he winks "I love you too Mikey"

I get the bags of clothes and walk downstairs. "Took you long enough" my dad says.

"Fuck you" I spit and walk out with Calum behind me. He gets in the passenger side and i put the junk in the back before getting in the drivers seat. I start the car and just sit there for a moment until I feel a hand on my thigh. I look up to meet brown eyes. "Hey" he whispers. "Let's just run a way"


"Don't think Mikey, please" he says as he grabs my hand. "Let's go somewhere, where no one will judge us. Where we can be open and be ourselves and we can do what we want"

"And where would that be?"

"Anywhere but here"

I smile and he returns it before whispering. "Let's just drive"

I start to pull out of my old driveway and we just drive. We don't think we just drive. I look over and see that Calums asleep. I smile "cal" I say and shake him slightly. "Baby" I repeat my actions and he flutters his eyes open. "What?" He mumbles. "Where do we stay?" I say as I'm looking at the road ahead of me. "Hotel" he mumbles again and leaning his head against the window.


We used the little money we had and got a hotel to stay in for tonight.

I'm laying in the bed and Calums in the shower. I hear the shower stop and smile. Minutes later he walks out in a tank top and sweatpants.

"Hey there sexy" I wink and he rolls his eyes. "Shut up"

He gets in the bed and I instantly pull him into my chest. "I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" I smile and rub his back. "Calum?"


I lean on to my side and prop up on my elbow so he's now below me. "What are we gonna do?"

"We'll figure it all out babe" he pokes me nose and I smile. "How are you so fine about all this?" I say and rub his cheek with my thumb.

"Because I know that no matter what we will still be together" he kisses me and I kiss back before pulling away. "You cheesy fuck" he laughs and I tighten my grip on his waist. "That's me" he whispers.

"We should get some rest" he pouts and I laugh at him. "What?"

"M not tired" he mumbles. I lay back and he puts his head on my chest. His arms are around my waist while mine are running his back. "You should dye your hair again"



"What color?" He looks up at me with his chin on my chest and smiles. "I liked the green" I nodded. "It's different"

He starts playing moth my hands and singing along to a song. "What song?" I asked.

"Runaways by All Time Low" he chuckles before saying "it's kinda like us" he traces my tattoos and still singing along to the tune .

'So let's run away

They will have to find another heart to break,

Why don't we just run away,

Never turn around, no matter what they say,

We'll find our way'

He sings quietly and I just listen. It's times like this that I embrace and take all in. Even if things don't go right I still have what I need.


"Mikey?" He whispers.

"Yea baby?" I whisper back. "We'll figure something out right?" I smile and kiss his head again and again. "Of course love, I'll get a job and start working, and we can find a school for you to transfer in, I'll try and get a small apartment. Or find friends to stay with. It'll be okay" I reassure him and I feel him kinda relax more.

"I love you" he kissed my chest. "I love you too baby"


Part 2?

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