《 Drinking All The Way To Third Base 》

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Michael collapsed onto the nearest piece of furniture, admiring the work he had done. Over the last week or so he had turned one of the rooms at his parents' house into a total man cave, complete with a flat screen TV and Xbox. The color scheme was relatively simple, everything being either white or a shade of gray, with a few pops of red here and there.

As he sat down to look around, he realized that he wanted one of his friends to come over and check it out. He couldn't call Ashton because he was off in New Zealand or something, and no one had heard from Luke in a while, so that left Calum. It was always Calum.

He took his phone out and dialed Calum's number. It only rang a couple of times before the familiar voice said, "Hello?"

Michael suddenly forgot what he even called for. After a few seconds it finally got back to him. "Oh yeah, hey Cal, you wanna come over?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"I finished my man cave and its pretty sick, you should come see it while it's still in pristine condition."

"Sweet! I'll be over in a little while," Calum stated in his usually chirpy voice.

As soon as Calum hung up, Michael jumped up and ran across the house to his bedroom, looking for some nicer clothes to put on. When he got in there he started picking up random t-shirts and jeans, smelling them to make sure they were clean. Finally deciding on what to wear, he ran next door to the bathroom to take a quick shower to freshen himself up.

It was kind of ridiculous, really. Michael didn't have to dress up or even shower just for Calum to come over. They had been best friends for basically forever, and besides that, they've lived together on tour buses, so it isn't like they've always looked and smelled their best around each other. It's mainly just the fact that Calum always seems to look and smell so good, even though he swears up and down that he never even tries.

Or maybe it was because Michael really did want to impress Calum, as much as he'd refuse to admit. He had always kind of had a thing for him. He loved Calum, and not just as a best friend, but sometimes more, due to the fact that he's always been there for him, whether it be homesickness comforting, or a quick handjob in the back of the bus when there wasn't a better option.

Michael took his shower quickly, before jumping out and drying himself off and getting dressed. He started doing his hair when he heard the front door open.

"Cal! I'm in the bathroom!" Michael called out, so that Calum wouldn't be wondering around the house.

He heard footsteps clomp down the hallway, slowing down a little the closer they got, "Is it safe? Can I look? Who knows what you're doing in the bathroom," Calum giggled.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm just doing my hair you asshole," Michael retorted.

Calum appeared in the doorway with his hands raised, "hey, hey, calm down now," he said, jokingly.

Michael looked over and admired his best friend. He was wearing a tattered up tank top and some loose basketball shorts, with some flip flops. Despite this casual ensemble, he still looked really good. His hair was long and messy, beginning to curl around his ears and neck, usually a sign that it was time for a haircut. He had also gotten a lot tanner since Michael saw him last. Shit.

Michael gave up on his hair and just decided to ruffle it around with his hand before leaving the bathroom.

"So where's your fancy man cave?" Calum said, with a sly grin on his face.

Michael wanted nothing more than to just shut him up with a big kiss, right on the lips, but instead he dramatically used his body to gesture towards the other end of the house, "Right this way, your majesty."

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