《 That's All You Baby 》

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Summary: Calum is different from a lot of boys. He likes to wear flower crowns and big sweater. (Preferably pink) He gets picked on for his attire but still tries to keep a smile on his face. But one day he had enough and almost gave up until a punk guy walked around the corner.

Calums POV

I finally adjusted my flower crown the way I wanted it as I was walking down the hallways of my high school.

I get to my locker and get all of my belongings out and looked in the mirror.

My eyes looked droopy and my hair was a mess. I guess that's what I get for not going to sleep until 4 in the morning.

I looked over my shoulder to see a guy staring at me. He was wearing black combat boots, a 'sex pistols' band tee, and his hair was green. To most people he would probably come off as weird and scary. But for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of this boy.

The way he stood just showed all of his confidence and I could see a pack of cigarettes hanging out of this left pocket. He smiles at me and walked away. His combat boots making a noise with each step.

I blinked for what felt like the first time in forever, and snapped back into reality .

"Hey hood!"

No no no no.

I shut my locker quickly and walked the other direction. As I was walking I felt myself being pulled back and slammed to the ground. "Why are you running you girly shit?"

"P-Please stop" Zach had his face so close to mine and his hands were balled up in my sweater. "Little princess finally had the balls to talk eh?" He spit in my face.

I turned my head and I felt got liquid roll down my face. "Ah look guys he's crying." He said and turned to his friends who instantly started to laugh.

He pulled my small body up and then dropped me hard on the ground. My head hit the hard ground and he and his friends walked away.

I got up after what felt like forever on the ground and limped to the nearest restroom. I looked in to the mirror and noticed my face and body.

My nose was bloody and my favorite sweater was ripped. And my lip was swolen.

Just smile Calum

Just smile


I couldn't do it. I fell to the ground and let it all out. I sobbed. I've never cried so hard before.

I don't know how long I was sitting there but all I could hear was boots hit the ground and getting closer to me.

"Please don't hurt-hurt me." I sobbed and wiped my sweater paws on my eyes to keep the tears away but failed miserably. "Please"

The boy came closer and I finally had the guts to look up.

It was the boy from the hallway.

Red hair.

Sex pistols band tee.

And combat boots.

"I'm not gonna hurt you love" the mysterious boy whispered. I'd be lying if I said my stomach didn't just do flips . "What's your name?"

"Calum" I whimpered and wiped my eyes once more. He sat in front of me and touched my cheek. "Jesus what did they do to you?" He said. "I'm Michael by the way" he added.

"I like your hair" I said and smiled through my tears. He smiled. "I liked your flower crown"

I frowned and looked down.

"It's stupid i-I should just throw it away. Everyone says it not m-manly enough." I mumbled.

"Hey I like it. Along with your sweater" he smiled. "It's cute"

Just as I was about to say somthing the bell rung and I realized we were still sitting in a bathroom. Michael got up and held his hand out to pull me up.

"Look don't let those douche bags throw you around like that. You deserve better. I promise you that" he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "I'll see you around love" he whispered and walked off .

And that was the last time I saw the punk boy that week.


2 weeks later

"Why do you talk to me?" I asked Michael. We were laying in the back of his truck side by side and it was about 6pm.

After the whole situation in the bathroom we didn't talk much until Michael got switched in one of my classes.

"What do you mean princess?" He said and turned his head to look at me while inhaling the smoke of his cigarette and blowing the smoke away from me "I'm so" I paused trying to think of the right words. "Girly. And you're so..punk" I whispered. "Nevermind I'm being stupid" I said and started to play with the hem of my sweater.

"It's not stupid Calum " he said and put out the cigarette. "I talk to you because you're different. You're so quiet but yet so loud, you smile so much and you speak your mind. I love your pink sweaters and skinny jeans with black converse. I love how positive you are and you're such a cutie" he said and pinched my cheek. I squealed and covered my face.

He laughed and took my hands away from my face. "You're adorable Cal"

I say up and he did too. I put my hand up to his hair and took the red strands in between my fingers.

He started to lean in and I did too.


I started to lean back and pull away from the red head. He looked at me confused. "I'm-I'm sorry Mikey I just- I've never kissed anyone and-I'm sorry " he put his hand on my thigh and smiled slightly. "It's okay love."

"No I want to kiss you" I said. "What if I'm bad?"

I looked down and he lifted my chin up. "Can I kiss you?" I hesitated and looked into his eyes.

I nodded.

He leaned on and captured my lips with his. It was slow but had a lot of power. It felt nice. He pulled away and looked at me. He smelled like smoke and alcohol but it was so comforting to me.

"Was that so bad, princess?" He whispered.

He had his hands on my cheeks and mine was awkwardly placed beside me.

I couldn't talk. I could barley move. That's what Michael Clifford does to me. So I just shook my head.

We kissed some more and Michael spoke up. "Calum?"

"Hm?" I said and kissed him once more. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes of course!"

He smiled and hugged me. "You're so nice to me Mikey" I whispered. "And so beautiful" he pulled away.

"That's all you baby"


I hope that was good you guys. I'm sorry if it sucked. >_<

Please give feedback!

I think I'm gonna start doing QOTD= Question Of The Day

What do you guys think?

Okay Imma do it XD

QOTD: What's the best one shot I've done?


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