《 Best Birthday Present 》

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This one was requested by my bestest friend in the whole entire world unknownwalker she came up with this yesterday at the mall so here it issssss
Summary: Calum and Michael are at the mall and its Michaels birthday. Although the mall is closing, Michael wants to stay the night there.
[I suck at summaries but whetever]
Calum POV

"It's my birthday Cal, come on live a little" Michael whined and pulled me to Sears. "Mikey we're gonna get caught, and you know how my mum is"

He laughed and pulled me to the towel area. "Tell your mum you're spending the night at my house you dweeb"

Although I don't want to get in trouble, I'd be spending a whole night with Michael. "Fine birthday boy"

He smiled and hugged me. My stomach was doing so many flips it was crazy. He then pulled us to the beds and we hid under them. "Michael I don't think we can fit" I added while trying to fit my body in the tight area.

"Sure we can" he slid under and finally I manage to also. Being this close to Michael made me feel safe. Yeah were breaking rules and my mom is defiantly going to murder me, I'm with Michael so it's okay.

"We're so gonna get caught" I whispered as a security guard walked past making sure everyone left the building. If he only knew.

"Michael he's gonna check the beds-" I was cut off my Michaels hand covering my mouth. "Shh" he growled in my ear making me shiver but soon shut my mouth.

The security guard started checking under the beds and my heart was pounding in my chest, probably so loud Michael could hear it. I was right. "Jesus Calum, the most their gonna do is make us leave" he whispered and still had his hand over my mouth. I sighed and closed my eyes waiting for all this to stop.

Just as the security guard walked near us I squeezed my eyes shut and felt Michael breathing on my neck, probably just as worried as I was.

"John!" I heard someone tell from the other side of the store. I saw the feet of the security guard leave and a wave of relief washed over me. Michael let his hand leave my mouth and sighed. "Told you it'd be fine princess" I smiled because of the nickname and poked my head out from the bed "I-i think their gone" I said and looked back under the bed, but there was no Michael.

"Finally free!" I heard him yell. I got up and chased after him. "Michael shut the fuck up, they could probably still hear you you dumb shit" I whispered held his arms. "Calm down Cally they're gone." He said and started to jump on the beds. I stayed where I was and looked at how much fun Michael was having.

"Calum come on!" He said and i finally joined him. Jumping from bed to bed with Michael.


"I wanna climb that ladder" Michael said, looking up at the talk ladder. "Michael no, you're gonna get hurt" I scolded. He looked back at me and smirked. "It's my birthday Cal"

I rolled my eyes and say down on a stool to watch my best friend make a fool out of himself. He started to climb and i saw the ladder get more and more wobbly as he he went up. "Michael get down its-"

And the ladder fell, along with my dumb blue headed friend.

"Ow fuck!" Michael yelled. I ran to his side. "I'm fine!"

I pulled him up and he started to groan. "Should've listened" I said and led us to one of the beds. "Oh shut up i know" he said and smiled a little once we reached the beds.

"Best Birthday ever cal" he said and laid on the bed. I smiled. I want to kiss him. But i know i shouldn't and i cant. Michaels straight. I sat at the foot of the bed just staring at him. He sat up and sat next to me. "You okay cal?" He said .

"I should be asking you that you dare devil" i laughed and punched his arm playfully. "I'm fine, I've had worse" he smiled. I looked him in the eye and leaned in, so did he. I captured his lips and we kissed slowly. My heart was beating out of my chest and happiness was the only thing I felt.

Until he pulled away.

"What the fuck Calum!" He yelled and got up from the bed. "Jesus I'm not a fucking fag!"

A tear rolled down my face "im-I'm so sorry Mikey, i really a-am please don't be mad I'm sorry" i said, imstantly regretting my desicion and wiped the tear from my eye. He shook his head and walked to another bed in the corner and got on his phone.

What did I just do? I ruined a perfectly good friendship. I stayed at the bed for a while until I finally got the balls to get up and go to Michael.

"Mikey?" I whispered. He looked up and smiled a bit. "I'm being dramatic huh?" He said and got up. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry Michael I really did-"

"I forgive you Calum." He said. "I'm sorry I sorta called you a fag"

I shook it off and hugged him. "It's okay " I added "but i really am sorry, i just I like you if you couldn't already tell and i just- Jesus I'm sorry" i whispered the last part and looked down.

"I like you too"


"I like you too you dumb shit" he said and kissed me. I smiled in the kiss and held his face in my hands . He pulled away and leaned his head on my forehead. "Sorry for overreaching"

"Sorry for kissing you" he kissed my forehead and laughed. "Will you be my boyfriend Calum?"

"I most certainly will Michael Clifford"

He kissed me again.

"This is literally the best birthday ever" I smiled and hugged him.

The rest of the night we spent on the sears beds cuddling and I kept singing Michael happy birthday.


This one's kinda different but i liked it c:


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