《 I'll Take Care Of You 》

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Okay I just wanna say....i got super carried away with this one because it was such an amazing idea 😂

I really hope it's what you wanted because like I said.. i got really carried away dude. Tbh I really like it but I hope that you do too!

Thank you sooooooo much for this idea CarlizaDaniella it was so much fun to write!!!!

[I couldn't do the hybrid part bc I've never really read any hybrid books so I didn't really know how all that works by I tried haha]


Michael's POV

I took another drag from my ciggarette before leaning my head against the cold brick wall behind me. I blew the smoke out, looking at how it flows through the air.

It's like 12am and all I want to do is curl up in my bed and sleep.

"Clifford!" I heard one of the members yell. Gang members might I add.

I rolled my eyes and put my ciggarette out and walked over to Zach. He had this light grin on his face and was rubbing his hands together.

"What do you want?" I muttered. He looked behind him at the other guys before turning back to me.

"You ready to beat some ass red head?" I scoffed but looked down at the scrawny boy. Zach was new, he didn't have much meat on him. He tries to be all big and bad but he just looked stupid.

Another one of the members walked up to me and patted my shoulder. "There's this guy trying to buy some drugs down the road, he's a real small kid mate, I figured we can have some fun" he laughed.

I laughed too, even though I don't want to beat up some kid, I also don't want to be killed for not doing what im told. That's how this whole thing works. You disobey, you get killed.

We make our way down the road, our combat boots making noises with each step. We reached some alleyway and a small boy with a benie and glasses sat there on his phone, as if he was waiting for us. I couldn't help but noticed how adorable he was.

I never considered myself to be straight. I've only had like 2 girlfriends my whole 23 years of living. I did however have one boyfriend that I did consider to be my first love but he's the reason im in this mess.

He made me run away from home because nobody accepted us. So we moved to Los Angeles and he left me so I joined a gang to get over my feelings.

"What's up faggot?" One of the guys said. The boy frowned and got up. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and looked up at all of us. He pulled out some money and tried to hand it to one of the guys.

"L-look, I just need the drugs f-for my friend Ashton" he mumbled. "H-he says they make him feel better so i-I wanted to be a good friend."

I frowned at the boy and looked down. I can't beat him up, there's no way I can lay a hand on him. But next thing I know, the whole group of boys launched at him. Making him yell and scream for help.

I stood there in shock. Blood was everywhere because of how hard they were punch in and kicking him. His benie fell of and one of the boys kicked it over to me before pounding on the kid. I took it and stuffed it in my pocket.

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