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It was 5pm, and the sun was about to set. I just decided to wear my school uniform minus the black shoes since all my clothes looked basic and overused. I walked out of the house and I immediately saw Jada outside with new clothes on.

"Oh, girl." She reacted with a hand on her left cheek.

"What?" I questioned as we walked.

"You really like this wack ass uniform, huh?" Jada said laughing.

"Well, I had nothing else to wear. All my clothes are dirty." I clarified.

She just gave a small chuckle, "You know, you need to go to the mall to get some new clothes because this--"

She looked up and down at my uniform and gave a silly stare, "is not acceptable at all. All these niggas gonna violate you, Nini."

"Nini?" I smirked. She nodded her head in agreement, "Yeah, sis. It's a cute nickname."

"Well, I can call you Jay right?"

"Duh. That is my nickname, anyways." She responded.

"But anyways, I don't care if these boys are gonna cut my ass cause of the clothes i wear. You feel me?"

"Girl, I can feel you. I have those moments when I usually don't give a fuck, but this? Girl this is Skateland and I have to dress like I shop in Chanel every weekend." Jada said laughing.

We were walking to Central Ave, where this place Skateland was at. The sun already went down & there was a crowd full of people outside. Most of the boys around here looks like hustlers and most of the women here looks like hookers- or if they are even hookers.

"I guess the seniors are already inside cause I see some similar faces around here." Jada remarked. "All them disgust me."

"What about that guy you were giving eyes to earlier?"

"Oh, save him. The rest ugly." Jada added on as we walked up the stairs, there was a pack of girls hovering on the railing, flirting with much older men.

As we walked in, Me, Myself, & I was playing on the speakers as everyone was roller skating on the rink. To be honest, it's outta subject but I'm smelling some good ass food around here.

"Jada, do you have some money?" I asked her.

Her face was shocked when she reacted to my questioned. "We were supposed to bring money?"

I rubbed my temples. "Girl, nothing around here, not even that, nothing in America is free honey. You gotta put some bread on the table to get what you want."

"Girl, quit being so....so....I don't even have the words to say it-"

"Smart? If that's the word that you are looking for then yes." I replied.

Jada just rolled her eyes and sat down at a table. We just met a few hours ago and we're already having quarreling sessions.

I sat infront of her as she was gazing at the same guy again. But this time, he was gazing back at her.

Jada turned to me and gave a hard smile, "yo, did you see that?"

"Mmm, hmm. He was looking at you-"

"Should I ask him out? No, I'm a mess, I ain't wearing my cherry lipstick, my braids are puffing out, I can't ask hi-"

I held her hand for her to stop overreacting. "Girl, you need to calm down a bit. You are literally going insane for him."

"Says the girl who likes that boy with that....that....curls he got in his hair." Jada commented.

"First of all, it's a jheri curl. Second of all, we are just friends. We met just today and I don't.....like have feelings for him."

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