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It was Wednesday and it was 4th period. All the boys who won at last night's game has a day off due to practicing so goddamn much yesterday. But anyways, I just wanna forget about yesterday.

I didn't see Jada for the whole entire morning, but I saw Michel'le.

I was scared to tell her about the things I saw with her and Dre yesterday. I know she'll get mad if I tell or even ask.

I walked inside the girl's bathroom and I saw her leaning towards the mirror and I saw a huge black eye on her left eye.

She quickly covered it while wincing in pain, "Oh, um....Nia! I was just-"

"You don't have to tell me anything because I already know." I replied.

Her face frowned and she looked like she was about to cry. "I gotta.....I gotta go."

"Wait." I said as I gripped her arm. Her eyes slowly turned red as she stared at me.

"Let it out. Everything." I told her straight to the eye.

Tears starting falling from her eyes and she hugged me as she cried loudly.

I patted her back and rubbed it.

"Michel'le, you gotta leave him. You can't handle this type of abuse, in fact, you are too young to be having this type of abuse. Do it or else it's gonna get worse." I told her as she walked to the mirror, repeatedly gasping as she cried.

"I can't, I just can't!" She bellows as she covered her black eye.

"You have to. You have no choice. He can't just do that to you, it shows that he doesn't love you, and I know many girls doesn't wanna feel like they aren't loved." I said as she was pacing around the bathroom.

I sighed and walked up to her from pacing. "You have to leave him or else this is gonna get worser than it is now, he may put you in a hospital, shit he may even try to kill you."

It took a second for her to realize that I was right, I may not be that close to Michel'le as I was with Jada, but I don't want anybody to go through domestic violence.

She nodded her head, "You're right, I should just pack my stuff and leave him." Michel'le agreed with me as she gave a weak smile.

I gave her a bright smile and gave her a big hug. "And if anything goes wrong, tell me, Jada or anyone you're close with. Just remember you have people who is there for you. Okay?"

She nodded her head in agreement and she wiped away her tears. We walked out of the bathroom together as it was time for lunch.

[A/N: I know I'm overreacting over this but if you or a family member or friend is a victim of domestic violence, call the 24/7 National Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)]


Me and Michel'le was sitting on the floor, due to anybody not being here today. I then saw Jada, finally coming in even though it's 5th period. She looks groggy and gross, in fact she looks like she just woke up from bed.

She saw us and sat down next to Michel'le. "Well, nice to see you this afternoon." I said to her.

"Don't talk to me, I'm tired." She warily remarks as she stared foward.

"Is it because of what happened last night? It was personal problems I had with Eri─"

"No, no. It's not you but..... wait that's why you left?" Jada questioned.

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