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"I got accepted to NYU." I whispered as I tried to hold back tears of joy, while everyone around me screamed in glee and arisen from their seats with happiness.

I rose from my chair and jumped with happiness as I screamed. "I got accepted to NYU!" I continued to scream as Jada and Kim gave me hugs.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you!" They commented as i separated myself from the group hug to continue to read my letter, then my heart dropped when I read that I have received  a significant offer of the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship of $3000.

And that's when the tears started to shred down my cheeks. Jada snatched the letter from me and read the same sentence that led to the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Sweet baby Jesus. She got a full-time scholarship for 3 g's!" Jada said as she covered her mouth as she gave me a compacted hug as Kim gasped.

"Oh, my fucking god, you are rich girl!" Kim told me as I jumped up and down as tears of joy continued to stream down my cheek.

"Oh my god, since we're both gonna be in New York together, we could probably rent a apartment and live together!" Kim suggested as I nodded my head, but that's when a thought raced through my mind.

Eric. I don't know why I'm thinking of him even if he's not my boyfriend anymore.

"Girl, what's wrong?" Jada solicitously questions.

"Oh, um, nothing." I briefly answered her question as I continued to read the letter, which depicts that students who are accepted in the west coast area, they should go to Sacramento for accepted students night.

The school bell rung, as everyone in the cafeteria left the room as a school official, annoyingly, kept repeating for the seniors to go to the gym for an assembly.

Jada sucked her teeth and started heading out to a exit door that I never knew where it led to.

"Jada, where are you going?" Michele asked her.

"I'm going home I ain't gonna sit through some assembly in a stank ass gym, fuck ass no." Jada sassily replied.

"But that's the way to the school's ceiling!"

"I'll find a way to get down then!" Jada yelled as she exited.


After that tiring assembly, me and Larenz walked home by ourselves. It's been the first time ever we walked home together since he first came to this school, and the first time since he isn't walking with the devil in fake Chanel heels.

"Renz, why you ain't walking with Lark today?"

Larenz sucked his teeth with a smile. "She rather wanna fuck a white nigga." He rudely retorted, which made me purse my lips.

"So, she was cheating on you?"

"Jeah, she was trying to suck the unseason out of that nigga. Nigga looking like some Walmart brand of that little blonde nigga River Phoenix." Larenz comments as I laughed.

"Oh, so you like it when I'm single, huh?" Larenz queried.

I arched my eyebrow. "Well, you were acting like a pussy when you were with Lark, so--"

"Pussy?" Larenz questions with shock, before giving a smirk with a short raspberry coming from his mouth.

"I mean, that girl got you all fucked up in your head, I bet you didn't have a brain when you were with her." I comment.

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