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January 1st, 1989.

I hummed for a bit as I slowly opened my eyes, narrowing at the aesthetic sunrise. I rubbed my eyes for a bit then looked around, realizing that I'm in a hospital bed.

I glanced at the time and it was 7:54 am. I winched in pain as my forehead constantly ached, I turned around and saw unantcipated Larenz sleeping on my right side.

"Ew!" I loudly whined with disgust in my face, as Renz fell to the floor from my reaction.

"Damn, why the fuck you yelling for--please don't tell me that you were sleeping on my bed." Larenz remarked as I gave an annoyed scoff.

"Your bed? This isn't even our bed, Renz! You know you should've slept on the chair right there!" I pointed the gray veiled hospital chair that looked uncomfortable, but I know he would've slept on it.

Then, unexpectedly shirtless Caine woke up as he quickly moved the sheets that blocks one side of the room, "Why the fuck are y'all yelling for, it's too damn early for this, man." Caine nonchalantly chimed in.

He had a white patch attached to his back and chest, veiling his gunshot wounds from earlier this morning.

The nurse stormed in with irritation. "Is there a problem over here, and what's all this noise?"

I stood there looking at Larenz at the floor as he stood up.

"Um, nothing miss." I answered as the nurse gave me a suspicious look.

"Mm, hm. Don't make me come in here again." She warned. As she was about to leave, I immediately started to think about Jada.

"Excuse me, miss!" I called her as I ran out the room.

The nurse turned around with a stern and bothered look on her face. "Yes, may I help you?"

"Do you know where Jada Pinkett is? You know, light skin girl, brown hair, hazel eyes, really, really, short--"

The nurse cutted me off. "I'm sorry I don't know who that is but--" she got cutted off when I heard a familiar voice tell my name right behind me.

"Nia!" I heard Dee scream as she ran up to me and gave me a heartwarming but painful hug.

"Nitara Carlynn Long, girl, why the hell didn't you and Larenz call me? I was wondering where you were at like.....2 hours ago!" She remarked with anger.

"Dee, let's talk about that later, I wanna know where the hell is Jada at? Is she even alive?" I yelled as I turned back to the nurse.

"I don't know who Jada is ma'am, but I need you to calm down." She tried to help as she placed her hand on my left shoulder.

I quickly shoved it off. "Dee, is Jada in that room?" I pointed to a room that had a numbed which displayed, 502.

"Yeah, yeah, she's okay, but why didn't you call me?" Dee barked as I ran into the hospital room.

As I walked in, I saw Ren, Cube, Dre, Q, Miche'le, Raheem and Eric sitting on the black chairs as they gazed at the T.V Screen, watching horror movies from the 1950's.

Then, I saw Jada with a white patch that veiled her right arm from the gun shot wounds also, sitting down as she ate a cup of  strawberry Jell-O.

"Shit, Nia." Eric came up to me as he gave me a long hug. "Girl, where the hell have you been?" He asks solitously as he looked straight in my eyes.

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