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It's 7:30 in the morning and my aunt's boyfriend is already bugging. I'm eating breakfast and he just comes downstairs with some blue robe and some nonsense.

I was busy eating my cereal until he came downstairs, all groggy and shit, as he opened the refrigerator door and drank milk out the carton.

"You know, Nia? I'm gonna be your new father one day." He comments out of the blue as he continued to drink the milk.

"How are you going to be my new father? Don't you mean uncle? And second of all, I don't even know your name so.....yeah." I replied with a small smile.

"You don't need to know and it's the same difference." He retorts with a mean mug.

"Yeah, I gotta go to school." I comment as I adjusted my uniform collar and started to walk out. "Hey, and if Dee comes in, tell her I already left for school, thanks."

Just after I said that, Dee comes downstairs with some silky pink pajamas. "Uh, Nia before you go..."

"Yes?" I said walking up to her.

"I have some good news for you. Your cousin Larenz is coming back from jail tomorrow." Dee said as she smiled.

I don't know why she was smiling for, but I had a very disgusted look on my face. Me and Larenz had history, and it's not that good.

Okay, long story short, Larenz used to be in a blood gang called Bompton Bloods. He always used to gangbang, not go to school, and be hanging out with the bloods from Central Ave. Life was all "good" for him, that is until he got caught for allegedly murdering a young Compton native because he didn't pay his money on time. Larenz spent 2 years in jail for that, but tomorrow he's coming out early due to good behavior. I don't see the good behavior type but good for him.

But for me? We never liked each other that much because he always tried to bring me to his problems and his problems are obviously more dangerous than mines right now. To add on, he was always close to some street nigga named Caine. Now, Caine was actually cute, but he moved to North Compton back in June with his grandparents.

"Why that disgusted face for?" Dee said to me.

"Uh, I don't know, I gotta go-"

"Wait, before you go on, he'll be attending your school also, so you have to get him comfortable in this school so that he can have.....a better life at least." Dee said as she cleaned the dirt out of her nails.

"Yeah, copy. Bye, Dee." I said as I made my way out the door.

I was making my way to school, until I saw Cube coming out of his house.

He waved at me and I waved back. He walked up to me. "Well, good morning." He said.

"Good morning to you, too." I replied with a small smile.

"Why you wearing that crusty ass uniform?" He commented.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I thought everyone was gonna wear uniform this year."

"You thought wrong." He said as he laughed.

"Man, shut up." I said as I laughed also. "But, can I tell you something?"


"Alright, so I was outside last night right? And I was going to the store. Then, these crips, all of a sudden, question me if I knew Eric-"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Say that again?" Cube said as he looked concerned.

"I walked to the store last night and these Kelly Crips are questioning if I knew Eric." I explained to Cube.

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