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December 31, 1988.

"Renz, Nia, I got an announcement to make." Dee came into the living room with her hands tied together.

"You got me a new beeper?" Renz interrupted with his stupid remark.

"Now, if I got you a beeper, will that shut your interjectin' ass up?" Dee growled at him as Renz sat there with a blank and offended face. "Came back from a trip and you already grillin' on me." Larenz mumbled.

Wishing that you can go back sucking on Caine's dick.

"Now, you may know that this week is the 7th year death anniversary of....Dani." Dee stated referring to my mom as everyone in the room fell silent.

"So, today we are all gonna go to the cemetery and pay our respects to my sister--"

"Dee, you don't have to do that, it's.....it's fine."I chimed in as Dee made a confused face.

"Uh, Nia, girl. You don't wanna give respects to your mother?" Dee questioned with slight shock.

"It's fine, I'll just go to the church and you know....pray." I replied.

"Nuh, uh, something's not right, I can hear it by the way you speak, nuh, uh, girl, you need to come to cemetery with us." Dee continued to encourage me to come.

"Thank you, Dee, but.....I think I need to give myself some time during this period." I explained as Dee looked down.

She rubbed my left shoulder then gave me a hug. "If you need anything, we're here babygirl. I know it's hard for you and it's hard for us also." Dee said as she let go of me.

I gave a heavy sigh as I sat back down. "Now, c'mon renz, grab your coat and let's go to the cemetery." Dee told Renz as she put on her silver coat.

Renz placed his hand on my shoulder. "Even though I despise your black ass, I hope you feel better soon, cuz." Renz thoughtfully said as we exchanged each other's hugs.

"Awwww. " Dee awed as she placed her hand on her chest. I gave a small smile at her as Renz stood up and they both made their way out the door.

I stood up and gave a relieve stretch as my inner porn star moan came out.

I snickered as I did that then started making my way upstairs until I heard the phone suddenly ring.

I gave an annoyed scoff then walked downstairs. I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Aye, how you doing?" I heard a familiar voice speak on the phone.

Confused, I answered back. It sure sounded like Cube. "Cube, is that you?"

"Well, who the fuck you think this is?" He ruthlessly remarked with a chuckle.

"First of all, how did you get this number?" I questioned.

"I know people."

"Mmm, hmm." I sassily hummed.

"Yeah, yeah, so.....do you have any plans tonight?" Cube questions again as I took a seat on the couch.

I rolled my eyes as I kissed my teeth. "Oh, god, please don't tell me you're gonna invite me to a party."

"Okay, so it's a new year's eve party, it's gonna start like at 5--"

"And when is it gonna end?" I questioned with concern as Cube sucked his teeth.

"Man, don't be worrying about that, the only thing you need to be worrying about is if you're coming or not." He answered.

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