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an: omg y'all :( the final chapter is hereee

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an: omg y'all :( the final chapter is hereee. well, I wanna dedicate this chapter to anyone who is graduating or already graduated this year. Doesn't matter if it's from middle school or high school or college, just know that you did it. what everyone told you that you couldn't do it and that you were useless, BITCH YOU PROVED THEM SORRY JEALOUS MOTHERFUCKERS WRONG. always remember to be yourself and don't let negativity block your success. ─ @jackieyonce

nia's perspective.

June 4th, 1989.

It was the night before the big day. My final, official, last year in high school. All the hard work and focus really paid off, but what really paid off, was mostly having a great group of friends, who made this year the best and worst year of high school.

I was in my room, laying on my back, as I started at the crutches that were attached to my leg. I looked over to my left and saw my yellow cap and gown. I just simply smiled at it. I couldn't believe that I'm gonna become a high school graduate tomorrow.

What really bugs is that everyone else is gonna go to UCLA, well except Kim, she says after the graduation, she needs to move to New York to get ready to start her freshmen year. She wants me to come with her since she thinks I'm going to NYU. Well, she's gonna have bad news at the graduation ceremony tomorrow, and not only her, but my family too.

This is gonna be the most worst decision that I've made in my entire life, and what makes it more worse is that it's at the last minute. I should've done this right after some trip I went to, but I don't remember that much.

I scooted over to my right where the telephone was and saw the college directory book on the table. I haven't seen that book in months. On the cover, I saw NYU's authority phone number. I looked at the number as I dialed the digits on telephone.

"How can I help you?"

"Yes, this is uh....a fellow freshmen who got accepted to your university, Nia Long. I have a $3k scholarship, but i would like to cancel the scholarship, and in matter of fact, I decided not attend to your college in fall."

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