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I walked inside the house with anger, disappointment, and exhaustion all rolled up in one. I can't believe I had a real argument with my best friend, but I think she kind of won that quarreling session.

Maybe she's right. I am a fake friend. A snitch. A snake. A backstabber.

Those remarks she barked at me with remained inside my head as I walked back to the house. A part of me feels terrible about myself, and should just go back and apologize.

But the other part is just being plain ruthless by saying fuck her and her nappy headed hair. Probably I did the right thing, probably I didn't.

I walked upstairs and headed straight to my room, as I entered in, I saw an unexpected guest touching all of my personal stuff.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I questioned Lark as she touched my Elizabeth Taylor perfume.

"And what are you doing here, and why are you here first of all?" She clapped back.

I risen an eyebrow then snatched the perfume away from her. "Because this is my room, not yours." I remarked as I threw my perfume to the bed.

"Your room? He told me this is his mother's room!" Lark yelled. I scrunched my face when she said he.

Of course, it's that negro.

"By he, you are referring to Larenz?" I questioned her as she crossed her arms in a sassily way.

"Yeah, my boyfriend." She replied as I gave a series of snickers.

How is she his boyfriend when they literally just met today? Shit, I didn't even do that move with Eric until November came around.

I bursted out laughing as I tried to cover my mouth. "What's so funny?" She interjected with a mean glare.

"You? With Larenz? Child, if you don't get out of my room--"

"No, you should leave, because he's showing me around the house, and I still wanna know why you're here first of all."

I paused the laughter and my blank face started to come back. "Because I live here?"

As she was about to give another idiotic reply, Larenz came out of the bathroom and stormed inside the room.

"The fuck is going on her--"

"Baby, why is she here, at your house?" Lark triggered with a question.

I gave an disgusted scoff as I sat and laid down on my bed.

"Shit, I just came out from my room and y'all are already barking at each other." Larenz commented as he touched my diary.

I immediately jumped out of my bed and ruthlessly grabbed the diary out of his hands.

"Don't touch my stuff, in matter of fact, why won't you and your homegirl over here, can leave my room?" I growl as he his face was in perplexity.

"I just came in the room to see what's going on and you out here buggin', c'mon, Lauren--"

"It's Lark." She corrected.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." He and him walked out of my room as she looked back and gave me a middle finger on the way.

I didn't know how to react by acting as if I was scared of her or something, she looks like the type of person who can't even fight but knows how to run that mouth.

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