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"In this week, we'll be expecting heavy snowstorms coming foward to northern and southern california. One may happen tonight."

"Snow? In California?" Dee commented in confusion. It was Midnight and Larenz and Dee's boyfriend were asleep.

Dee was downstairs in the living room watching the news and late night shows. That's what she always do when winter time arrives.

"Uh, Dee?" I questioned as she jumped a little.

"Girl, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Dee questioned as I sat next to her.

"Yeah, but something in my mind is just....." I trailed off my sentence as I rubbed my temples.

"What? Are you having a migrane or something?" Dee questioned sassily.

"No, it's just a lot in my mind, right now. Li-"

"You're not going on the trip tomorrow. I already contacted the offical and she says she's on her way now." Dee answered as I sighed.

"Ha!" I heard a yell that sounded like Larenz. Dee turned around and yelled, "Go to sleep, boy! Remember I'm waking you up at 5:30!"

She then turned to me. "Nia, I-i-don't know what's the excitement about this trip. Like, where are you even going?" Dee questioned curiously.

"USC." I answered timidly as Dee's face transformed into shock.

"USC? Do you know what happens down in USC?" Dee questioned.

"Don't flip out, it's-"

"There are men over there that will try to drug you, okay? There are gonna be women over there acting like they all that, and thinking they fr-"

"Dee, please calm down." I cutted off her ranting as she leaned back with crossed arms.

"Is there gonna be a chaperone?" Dee queried.

"Dee, I am 18 years old. I don't need no guardian or chaperone to look over for me." I replied.

"Mmm, hmm." Dee hummed sassily as she continued to watch the news.

There was a period of silence between us until Dee finally spoke.

"Bye." Dee dimisssed as she turned the T.V off and walked upstairs.

I sat there alone in the dark, thinking about my plan to make her change her mind. I mean, I really want to go to NYU and discuss my academics with this offical. But, I'll be missing out on the advantages I have as a senior because of all this college stuff.

Man, I don't know. I just don't know.

As I sat there, a idea brainstormed in my head. I stood up and rapidly walked to the telephone.

"Envelope, Envelope, Envelope...." I repeated to myself softly as I searched for the envelope where my interview letter was.

I searched over the kitchen table, founding the white stripped envelope on the table with my letter inside of it.

I sat down on the couch with my letter and telephone, then dialed the number on the letter.

Sorry, Dee. But this girl needs to have some fun in her life.

The phone was leaving me hanging for a few seconds, before somebody finally picked up.

"Oh, Miss Tate, how are you doing?" I heard the offical say.

"Yeah, um.....I need a.....rearrangement with this meeting stuff, you know what I'm saying?" I impersonated Dee as I tried to hold back my giggles.

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