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We were all upstairs, outside Yella's cousin's dorm.

Everyone was easily getting impatient since Yella banged on his cousin's dorm more than a million times.

"Man, when is your cousin gonna come out? It's been 10 minutes." Pac complained as Jada rolled her eyes.

"Just calm down, aight? She probably dealing with female problems at this moment." Yella answered as Pac sucked his teeth.

"Female problems? Man, what kind of excuse is that-" Ren was cutted off when Yella banged on the door once again.

"I'm coming, damn!" I heard a feminine muffled yell through the door.

I heard faint footsteps, with some trips along the way, and finally opened the door.

It was a brownskin female with hazel eyes with black hair and cute dimples.

"What took your ass so long, huh?" Yella complained.

She sucked her teeth. "So that's the way you gonna greet your big cousin? And I had to get ready to host a party tonight." She answered as Yella groaned and gave her a big hug.

Yella walked in with his stuff as his cousin started to greet us in.

"Hi, Eric." She smiled as she hugged him. I gave a rosen eyebrow then looked away.

"Sup, Gabi?" He greeted back as he gave her a hug.

"Hi, O'shea." She continued to greet as she hugged him.

"You good, Gabi?" Cube questioned as she muttered a "yeah."

She continued to greet everyone else except Me, Jada and Larenz when she stopped us at the door.

"Oh, who are you guys?" She curiously questioned as Jada srunched her eyes at her.

"Oh, um.....I'm Nia." I greeted myself as I shook hands with her.

"I'm Gabrielle but you can call me Gabi. I'm Antoine's cousin." She replied with a smile.

"Hold up, Yella's real name is Antoine?" Jada questioned in disgust.

"I know, it's gross." She replied as I snickered.

"Well, I'm Jada." Jada also greeted herself as Gabrielle gave her a small smile and shook hands with her.

"And what's your name?" Gabrielle  questioned Larenz as he gave her a smirk.

"The name is Larenz but you can call me daddy." He replied as he continued to smirk at her.

I gave a disgusted scoff then smacked lips as Jada snickered and brung all of our stuff inside.

"Well, Larenz, I have a boyfriend and since not everyone can fit in this room, you and some of the boys can room with him." Gabrielle responded as she gave a fake smile.

"Oh." Larenz groaned. "I know you want me still." Larenz continued to hit on her as Gabrielle playfully rolled her eyes and closed the door once Renz walked in.

"So, you said that a party is gonna be tonight, right?" Raheem questioned.

"Yeah, and I'm the host of it. It's freshmen christmas party and if you guys wanna come, y-"

"Is there gonna be some bitches?" Ren interjected with his remark as Gabrielle gave him a death glare.

"I think not." Ren replied nervously as Tyra looked away.

Gabrielle crossed her hands together.
"Anyways, the party starts at 7 and it ends at 10 so i suggest y'all dress appropriately."

"Jada." He said as he gave a fake cough.

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