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January 18th, 1989.

"What do you mean you haven't seen him?"
Lark annoyingly questioned me as I walked down the school staircase. It was dismissal and we left lunch, and Lark's been bugging me all day because of her musty boyfriend not attending school today, even though he knows that this was our 2nd day of midterms.

"I just didn't, okay? You can see him tomorrow, it's not like he died or something." I calmly answered Lark as she had her face scrunched up with worry and confusion.

"What if I don't?"

"Well, then you don't. I'll see you tomorrow, Lark." I started to walk up as I saw Kim, Cube, Miche'le and the rest of the boys walking.

"Wait, you live with him, can I come with you?" She asks as she runs up a bit.

"Lark, I'm not going home."

"Then where the hell are you going?"

I gave a deep annoyed sigh. "I'm going to visit my friend's mother who's really sick, and I might not go back home until night, I suppose."


"Yeah, I'm sorry." I apologized with a fake smile and continued walking.

"Can I at least get your address?" Lark yelled as I walked faster.

"I don't know, can you?" I smartly remarked to her before walking up to everyone.

"Who the hell was that?" Kim questioned as she gazed at Lark.

"Eh, it's my cousin's girlfriend, she recently came here like a week ago and she's already annoying as shit." I explained to Kim as she continued to gaze.

"Ew." She rudely commented with a disgusted face as I snickered.

"Aye, yo come on, let's go! Y'all can talk in the hospital!" Cube interrupted.

"Boy, why won't you just mind your own business? Besides, do y'all know where the hospital is?" Kim questioned.

"Of course, it's the hospital where Miche'le was when she nearly killed herself." Q answered as Miche'le punched his shoulder and briefly cursed him out.

"Let's not talk about that please, just to let you know that me and Dre are on good terms so far, right babe?" She asks an distracted Dre, who was too busy gazing at other girls walking home.

"Andre!" She punched his chest, getting him out of distraction.

"Why you hitting my nipples for?" He barked as she rolled her eyes and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, "good terms." Kim remarked using air quotes.

"Kim, don't make me slice your ass." Michel'le playfully clapped at her, as Kim gave a dramatic gasp.

"Oh, no. Mickey Mouse is gonna kill me, somebody call 911." Kim nonchalantly panicked as she held Cube's hand.

I snickered at her witty comment as I walked next to Eric who was quietly talking to Raheem.

"Oh, okay, so it's legal for you to come here and interrupt our conversation?" Raheem jokingly questions.

"Raheem, you have Q, y'all can talk all the shit you want." I responded back as Eric gave me a surprised look.

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